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St. Anger

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Everything posted by St. Anger

  1. Note to self... I will have to get a Secret Gremlin...
  2. Or you can paint until 2 or 3 in the morning, get up and go to work... wash, rinse and repeat...
  3. Thank you to everyone for the feedback!!! I was planning on painting a red highlight... A layer of black is a great suggestion that I had not even thought about but I like it and will add that after the red...
  4. Very sweet!!! Great Tom Petty video inspiration!!!
  5. Thanks I will do that... Right after I add ahighlight of red...
  6. Here are some updated WIP shots of my Nephalim Crew... I still have some work with the metallics on the weapons, a little bit more highlighting and some washes. The flames still need a little more work, I think... There is nothing like a deadline to inspire some late night painting progress...
  7. NE, this is the reason that we have asked to have you banned... Though you can make it up with a beer at the Ram...
  8. Those look pretty good... I might just have to look at them as a quick way to get bases completed...
  9. I didn't know how to answer this since I have all three of those crews painted and played them all since GenCon last year...
  10. I miss "Decap 10"... At that point, the Steamborg was the baddest thing in Malifaux...
  11. That is a great mini... Is the base separate?
  12. No, he is just misunderstood...
  13. I voted for the true denizens of Malifaux... The Nephalim Rock!!! That being said... I do have a 3 Guild Crews already assembled and painted. I also have 3 Arcanist Crews assembled and waiting to be painted... Then there are all of the Outcasts... OK, I like them all... Hello... My name is Steve and I have an addiction...
  14. I think that the TRUE INHABITANTS of Malifaux should be represented!!!
  15. I can see it now... a few gremlins in a small rowboat, flying the jolly roger...
  16. Jeremy, I don't think that you have the stones to play him!!!
  17. That says tender loving care...
  18. Definately helps give me ideas on how to paint mine... Great job and thank you for the inspiration!!!
  19. It makes alot of sense... you should make a signature banner referencing your previous FF incarnation...
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