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Everything posted by Lordfishbane

  1. Im trying to find out. I wanted to see if there would be enough interest from the types here, because those are the people I would want. Older crowd, experienced painters and sculpters. But I fear that It would be like some have said, one or two guys teaching a bunch of kids, the same thing every month. Seems like it won't really pan out the way i would wish. Ahh well Ill leave all the heavy lifting to the Main Man here at WYRD, you guys are stuck with me now.
  2. I was talking to one of the local shop owners about the local IPMS chapter, and an Armor Club that meets at his store once a month. For those who have never heard of IPMS its a club that works in 99% military plastic , they get together once a month to show any wip's, new models, give reviews, and show off completed models. Much like we do here on a daily basis. While they "allow" all modelers they do not really support sci-fi or fantasy miniature, and if its considered a "gamming" ( anything below 54mm) miniature they are even more dis-interested(?). I guess the whole point of this long post is : If a club was dedicated to our interests in your area would you attend meetings? Just trying to get a general idea of the amount of interest before I put any work into it.
  3. Are those walls scratch built, or Hirst molds? Either way great job!!
  4. Yea, I think its my camera. One or two pics come out ok, then they get an awful yellow tint. I swapped out my lights and am using the Reveal brand from GE ( I think), 100w at that. It may be that I will have to break down and buy a new camera, the thing is almost 10 years old.
  5. Being that your the Uber figfinder you probably already know, Andrea made two 54mm mini's called " Barbarian " and "Barbarian two" a few years back. Both are copies of scenes in the first movie, nice generic copies of the most famous barbarian ever. I will be adding this one to the 54's myself.
  6. I never noticed the torsos with feet, BLECH!!. What do you guys think they will go for in a year or so? $35-$40?
  7. Couple more shots I had, got to close on one and its a bit blurry. The color for the crystals started out as valiejo golden brown after a couple of dark brown and black wash's built it back up. Touch of white to the base color for final high light.
  8. Finished this bad boy for a friend of mine, its a huge chunk of metal. I forgot how unforgiving the camera can be, makes me look in amazement at some of the stuff I have seen posted here.
  9. Now that is a chunk of metal, Could double as an OGRE. Always prefer to push figs then chits.
  10. Wonder if GW is going to be threatened by the "griffin" statues on the temple. But since Rackham is a larger company I doubt they could bully them into dropping it. Great stuff, a bud if min picked up the dragon last year at ORIGINS, shes a very nice piece.
  11. Very nice, one soon to be newbie scupter question. Did you use 100% geen stuff, or bulk the figure out with something less costly?
  12. The AT-43 stuff is some of nicest ,if not the best , pre-painted stuff that has been put out IMO. I am a gammer and painter, and have picked up the AT-43 stuff,saves me from having to paint suff that I dont want to. Try painting 40 figs in 5 different poses, takes the fun out of painting fast. Rackam has built up a big following of painters so I doubt they would get rid of the unpainted metals line or that the quality will suffer. That being said im going to hit my local store tonight and make sure I get the metals i've been eyeing to make sure I get them, as im sure the rush get them will wipe out my local shop.
  13. Looked for both NitroMors and methylene chloride which they list as the "effective ingredient" in NitroMors. Seems that we cant get the stuff in the states because its so dangerous, although it looks like it is used in cosmetics and to decaffeinate coffee. So ill just send all my mini's to you for stripping Matty !!
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