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Everything posted by Xenon_Wulf

  1. Nice. Now I miss the old Rackham stuff.
  2. Awesome work. The freehand on the Tramp Stamp is a great touch.
  3. Yeah, that I can understand - I've wheeled and dealed for a number of Rackham's LE figs over the years. On the other hand, game-wise, The Voyageuse is just another mini and doesn't break the game like some LE's I can think of... And before you ask, no, I don't have an original sculpt of The Voyageuse - I did get the new one, but that was only because one of the authors was pretty cool and handed one to the Asmodee booth staff who were into minis last Gencon.
  4. Erm. What? I know this is somewhat stream of consciousness here, but I'm really having trouble following you. As for the Minis, I'm pretty sure there'll be regular distribution happening once the first english book comes out.
  5. Lol. I'll have to do that at some point - I've refused to have anything to do with the game until they released it in English. J'te posais la question surtout parce que je viens de passer la derniere semaine a mettre a jour les regles et les chroniques de Zaebas pour la sortie prochaine aux USA.
  6. Not sure that's when the book comes out, but the Immortals, yes. Moa, any idea what sort of terrain and battlefield you want to build? The Helldorado rules have some rather awesome terrain rules in 'em.
  7. Holy! I expected an awesome chaos warrior from AoW, but this is beyond what I expected.
  8. As much as I hate to say this... I don't like it - it feels like a GW mini, not a PP one...
  9. Well, you know, whoever said "Violence is not a solution, but it makes a damn fine satisfying temporary answer" was right.
  10. Here's what I've been listening to lately (yeah, there's still some stuff that's not English, sorry for you non-French speaking folks out there)... Early 90's French rock: A French band: [ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=UfQz-9olu_g&[/ame] A Quebec band: [ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=GNcPTdCt4i8[/ame] wish I had more of the stuff... Here's a nice ll' band I've been exposed to. Always fun to listen to: [ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=mg4OqU8O1WI[/ame] And for all you Final Fantasy fans out there: [ame]http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=q5st0b3ln5U[/ame]
  11. I'll agree that an "afterhours with the Wyrd crew" would be nice. Other than that, I'll be stuck at the Asmodee booth again...
  12. Gah - I'll be stuck at the Asmodee booth again this year....
  13. I think he's getting better!
  14. It got fixed by the time Gencon came around - I had received a DVD from that faulty batch originally, and they replaced it for me there.
  15. Okko was a blast to work on. I don't say this very often about my work, but this is one translation I'm proud of. And not just because I thought the game rocked!
  16. I like it. I wish those LEs were available some other way than the CMON webstore - I really like to support my LGS and try to avoid ordering online unless I can't avoid it.
  17. If said out loud it sounds sorta like "Me see me you" in French, if it helps any...
  18. The Helldorado site appears to be down right now - and no, the English rulebook isn't out yet: rules are being updated and background added so that when it comes out later this year it'll be improved on the original French one. So far, the rule updates are minor clarifications, or a re-wording here and there to make things easier to understand. And on that, I think I'll get back to translating....
  19. Only at Gencon, on the Saturday night after a lot of drinking...
  20. Yeah - I wonder what the next game out of France will be...
  21. They're the Immortals. They'll be described in full in the English version of the fluff book - it's being worked on as I write this...
  22. Well, looks like I had been meaning to post a pic and never took the time to.... Consider it fixed. Was taken about a year ago while at a dinner for the birthday of a friend's girlfriend.
  23. Yeah, I guess I'm necro-ing the thread, but I really have to thank Wren for pointing out to me that they were looking for translators on this one. Was really a blast to work on! And the DVD itself is pretty darned good...
  24. Awesome ideas in there. I'll agree with Hinton about the use of points for cool swag being a good idea. And that under no circumstances should money be involved. Wyrd contests should always be fun and friendly (albeit copmetitive) events. (And yes, it's been a while - I've been kept busy).
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