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Everything posted by Hinton

  1. I bought my plane ticket today, so I'm definitely going to Indy. Now, if I can just figure out a way to get into GenCon....maybe a night-time infiltration using an elaborate rig to lower myself inside, sneak past the guards, avoid the motion detectors and guard dogs and set up a base of operations from deep inside the bowels of the convention center. Or, I guess I could just buy a pass. I'm certainly looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible and hopefully picking up some painting tips and tricks from some of the better painters. Definitely looking forward to meeting....a certain somone.
  2. So, the season finale was last night and they did bring the whole "bomb in New York City" story arc to a close. Kind of. Definitely some really, really cool moments in this episode; however, I don't want to spoil them for anyone that has't seen it yet. There are also, unfortunately, a couple of moments that left me feeling a bit flat and one that really left me saying "WTF?? oh, come on!". But that's just my opinion. So, if you've been following this show at all, go check it out. You can watch the latest episode online over at NBC.
  3. Highlights are definitely something that many painters, including myself, struggle with constantly. I just never seem to get them high enough or in the right places. The highlights certainly look like they're heading in the right direction. Maybe bringing them up one more step would really help it "pop".
  4. No problem, FF. Good to know that everything is ok now.
  5. Somebody remind to *not* sit by or across from her at the table.
  6. Pretty cool minis and the painting looks pretty good. One thing that I might suggest is hitting it with some Dull Cote since they seem to be a bit on the glossy side.
  7. "This...is my boom stick!" The mini looks great and I'm really digging the base work. Very nice work.
  8. Excellent work! The green is just the right kind of sickly color and the purples seem to blend in the right way. Very well done.
  9. It looks really good to me; very smooth colors. And the red looks fine to me as well.
  10. Rumor has it that Duende will be performing some Anime Karaoke at GenCon (Friday, 8/17, 3 - 4:30 PM).
  11. Excellent work. The minis are done very nicely and the scene looks great.
  12. Geez, sorry I missed out on this. Happy Birthday, Lova...Lavora...ummm....YOR! :fest06:
  13. Hinton

    Word up!

    "Word up"? Am I back in the '80's again? *sigh* gotta stop drinking so much cough syrup when I'm tired. Welcome to the boards!
  14. Right now, it's pretty much just basecoats and working out color choices.
  15. Duende and I have been talking quite a bit recently about this year's GenCon and whether or not we were going to make it there. I know it's still a few months away, but I was curious: anyone else planning on going? Hoping to go? Thinking about it? Definitely going? Selling body parts to make it there? Speaking for myself, I know I'm doing everything I can to get there (I'm not selling parts of my body :tongue2: ). It'll be my first real convention, so it could BE an interesting and fun time. It would also be great to meet some of you in person.
  16. Got this one from Duende a little while back (because she's either trying to challenge me or drive me crazy; not sure which yet) and I decided to just try and paint it up. Still a ways to go with this, but I was showing it to Duende and she asked if I was going to post any WIP of it, so here they are. I also did a little experiment with the photography on this. On the top is a comp shot where I've adjusted the levels a bit; on the bottom is a comp shot that is just cropped and resized. Just wondering which one looks better. Thanks! #1: #2:
  17. Damn, now I feel silly; I've always referred to them Star Thing-a-majigs. It is cool to see things like that, FF. Looking at that, the Earth could plunge right into the sun and it wouldn't even be a little puff.
  18. Very nice work and, like Duende, I like the choice of colors. Some pics from some different angles would cool.
  19. Finally, after waiting for over a month, Heroes returns. From what I've seen, there will be five episodes and those will wrap up the whole "nuclear explosion" plotline. You can see any of the past episodes that've been aired over at the Heroes website: Heroes
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