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Everything posted by Stupidcow

  1. Poor retail policy, that's what hurt them the most, at least that's what happened here. I don't think any game can go far without a LGS's retail support. We set up the Scord on our own expenses, tried running trounies and leagues using our own minis as prizes and all the support we get from Rackham is "We could ship you some posters as prizes". Somehow they came across as arrogant thinking that their mail order sales alone is enough.
  2. I dig the halfsleeve and the one on the chest must have hurt abit.
  3. Finished painting his base at last. Felt it was too bare so I added a rotting corpse with some maggots crawling around. Let me know what you think. He's also on CMON if anyone cares to vote
  4. The day has come when folks cry over beans & hamsters...
  5. Congrats on the winnings. I'll second the request for a group photo.
  6. That is one hot Yakuza babe! http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUST26750520070903
  7. Pretty interesting humanoid trolls, and talk about squeaky clean paintjobs.
  8. What I meant is the figure is almost done, and that I'm working on the base for him. Of course the base wouldn't be that "corky".
  9. I've almost finished painting this guy up and currently working on the base. I'll like to hear some comments on what is done so far. So fire away!
  10. I would personally have used white or purple perhaps instead for the red areas but that just matter of preference. I like the worn look of the black coat and the basework. I also like how the vulture is looking. Great job!
  11. She looks really dark and mysterious. I like the colour scheme very much.
  12. From what I see its gonna need a few hours of work gluing, bending and touching up the paint. I haven't really examined it closely but sure looks bad. My wife told me over the phone that the model fell off and only the wings were broken. That night I couldn't get to sleep in the hotel knowing its gonna be much worse than that. Thanks for the kind words. Now I just need to scream out loud.
  13. While I was away for 3 days, my aunt stayed over at my house to keep my wife company. Usually I would keep my painted models in a closed cabinate but since I was planning to return the model to its owner I had left it on the shelf in my living room. Never did I expect this to happen when my aunt was cleaning the house....:doh:
  14. I'l start with the face being very well done. The shading, mole and makeup really incredible. The execution is perfect but I feel the eyeshadow & lipstick colour, coupled with that mole makes her looked older. Another thing that is bothering me is the colour choice. The pastel blue and the pink distracts from the rest of the model. You see the soft colours clashes with the gritty look of the metallic armor. As for the freehand you could have gone with something which reflects her faction. Overall I feel its very well painted just that you didn't have enough planning to utilize your skills. Similarly with callumrice, I hope I don't sound harsh.
  15. I painted abit more this evening taking the suggestions above. I've also fixed on the arm with the weapon. I posted a short write up on my blog from the time I started painting him till how I ended up with this version. Once again I welcome all of you to take a look when you're free and offer my any suggestions or critics. I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning for Bangkok and will be back by Saturday in case you don't get my reply on this thread. At this time you may steal my arcade tiles before I come back at you hehe.
  16. Nice concept there with that bit of conversion work. Since you have done enough research from what I see, I think its best you give it a shot and show us wips. From there it might be easier to give suggestions. If you don't like what you see there's always the thinner pot.
  17. Those are really good value for $$ I feel. 10 minis for less than 20 euros?
  18. You doubt my words??? I may not know the rules for TT contest but I know what I'm talking here. :hmpf:
  19. Didn't know there's another astronomical event so close to the one on 27th Aug whereby Mars moves really"close" to earth it appears there's two moons in the sky.
  20. Hi tallghost. The symbol is done freehand. Model is from Rackham under the Cadwallon range. There's another version of the undertaker also holding a feather pen. Thanks for looking.
  21. I was kinda worried about the corpse clashing with the skintone of the main guy. It does looked a little too blue atm. I'll get it sorted out when I have time to paint again.
  22. looks interesting, especially the 2nd one.
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