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Everything posted by Sergeant_Crunch

  1. Hmm, I have some old RP minis just sittin' 'round here....
  2. New fig from Herr Klocke and Freebooter...
  3. The new Leveticus, Misaki, and Mad Hatter greens made the #2 spot on this weekend's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLl3EikHQaU.
  4. http://www.modelexpo-online.com/cgi-bin/sgsh0101.exe?SKW=TWFT@&FNM=07&UID=2006072222580184Took a bit of digging, but I think they have what you're looking for.
  5. mildly amusing video about Darth Vader's lesser known brother Chad Vader
  6. The Evil Empire (oops, did I say that out loud again?) has released the following items in the US... Daemon Prince of Nurgle http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258396 CSM Possessed box set http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258394 Warhammer Display-Scale Miniatures (about 35mm) http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258441http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258442 http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258443http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258445http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258444 and a plastic Balrog http://store.us.games-workshop.com/storefront/newimage.asp?Size=A&Img=258482 now if I could just get some pewter rocks......:laugh: *edit hmm, guess they won't let me link the pictures....
  7. I swear, if I see another pirate release....
  8. http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?p=11374#post11374 He's goin for 10 pounds a head.
  9. They are a bit anorexic, but how many 16 yr old boys are going to buy fat pirate chicks?
  10. Geez, with all these pirate minis being released you'd think there'd been a popular pirate movie showing at theaters or something.... This swashbucklin' dog be £10 a piece.
  11. Bronze Age Miniatures has released a line of female pirates. This company has also just recently joined up as a sponsor to the Exodus Road pirate painting contest. Some mighty fine lookin' wenches if ye ask me.
  12. I've seen some good results with greenstuff.
  13. Or you could just say "screw-em" and give your miniature's measurements in cubits.
  14. *opens banana and tosses peel in front of supervike :laugh:
  15. Check here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?t=977 Posted it yesterday with some more pics (though smaller ones)
  16. Don't forget folks who use 6, 10, and 15mm which of course these would be too large for, unless they're being used as giants.
  17. The trick is, which "standard" table-top gaming scale? Everyone has their favorite and think it should be the standard.
  18. Here's some I found. Of course I have no idea how reputable any of these sites are. http://www.displays2go.com/sub3.asp?ID=1075 http://www.displaycasecorp.com/acrylic_counter_cases.php http://www.jmkdisplays.com/cases.html http://www.storefixtures2000.com/Acrylic/Showcases/ac_sc_countertop.htm http://display-case-showcase.com/Acrylic/acrylic_display_cases_all.htm http://www.fixtures-displays.com/acrylics_display.asp http://www.displaywarehouse.com/showitems.asp?deptcode1=550
  19. Well, the other problem is 28mm (or 32, 54, etc...) from where to where. Some folks measure from bottom of the foot to eye level, others from foot to top of head, and some will even include whatever apparel is on the head. One thing I hate about the way minis are marketed is that 25mm isn't a scale, it's a measurement. a scale would be 25mm:1.5m (1/60 scale). This would be the actual scale of the mini and make my life a heck of a lot easier when it comes to making terrain for my games. I think that's why I like CAV so much, it's 1/160 scale, not 6mm, 15mm or some other measurement. Now, granted there are some variations (aircraft specifically, but that's slowly being fixed) but the vast majority is in that scale. My suggestion is buck the Xmm system and give the actual scale. Of course that would confuse all the stupid people out there. Wow, didn't really mean for that to turn into a rant.
  20. Yeah, that's what I thought when I came across it. Waiting to see pictures.
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