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Everything posted by r2-j1

  1. It was like that here for about a week after the Hurricane went through. Fortunately I had filled up right before, so I was able to hold off on filling up until things got a little more back to normal. I thought it very strange that the same sort of thing started happening in you area of the country shortly there after. Honestly though we're lucky this sort of thing doesn't happen more often. There has not been a new refinery built in this country in more then 30 years. We have an over burdened rapidly aging petroleum infrastructure that is now prone to accidents and being compromised if we have trouble in the primary areas refining is happening.
  2. I've got a unit of Troolblood Longriders, that frankly I just want finished. I've also got some pieces out trying to figure out an early plan for a rotten harvest entry. I may just put them all on hold and paint up another Lilith and brood to replace my old one. Of course for any of that to happen I need to actually sit down and paint. It's funny after Gencon last year I came back fired up and went painting crazy, this year it seems the opposite.
  3. Well the art certainly gives me the impression that he is.
  4. Quick start the clock to see how long it takes for Ritual to say how much he hates this mini.:laugh:
  5. I was in a bit of a painting lull for awhile, but I had another faction group to finish up for use at Wyrd's Gencon booth. I've been sitting on them a few weeks now I had the big guy entered in the Total Testosterone contest, so I'm happy to get some picks of the whole gang now. Lilith and her brood are just plain nice models. Kudos to Werner on them. Also kudos on the the design of the Big guy, I have never had a big complex model like that go together so seamlessly and easily. I was going for a dark neutrality with splashes of shocking green. It allows the miniatures to maintain a dark look but still catch the eye. I think archived that for the most part. Any way I'd love to hear what others think, and hopefully have people come by to see and use them in a demo at Gencon
  6. I based in a 1:1 mix of VMC Ivory and VMC Medium Grey. I added some P3 Cryx bane Base to the my base color thinned it down well and hit the folds and shadowed areas. I then highlighted starting with my base color and adding more ivory with each layer until I was using pure Ivory. You're in luck, Lilith and the brood are my next project. They are on my desk right now so look out for those in the not to distant future. I do agree that Samael is the weak link in the chain model wise. Though I'm kinda the opposite of you, the hat is one of the few things I wouldn't change if I were to redo the model. I dunno I just like his hat. Sonnia is a much nicer model then I think she gets credit for. I think the more painted versions people post the more people might start to realize that. In fact it is this version I spotted on CMON that got me to appreciate the model more. http://www.coolminiornot.com/177861
  7. I've been working on some demo groups to be used at the Wyrd Booth at Gencon this year. I finished the first one, Witch Hunters, up this weekend. So if you'll be there come out and give the a try for your self. It was an interesting project. I started off doing the Witchling stalkers. At first I tried to paint them Jawa style with brown robes, and orange eyes. I got about half way through, but just wasn't feeling it. So I stripped the and decided to try out dirty white, then added a splash of blue to give them a bit of a magic feel. I liked them much better, and I think it fits the theme of the models pretty well. So i finished off my two characters for the group in a similar fashion. Over all it was a bit more of a tricky project then I thought it would be at first, but I was worth it in the end I think. They make for a nice group I think.
  8. I'm still there. I guess the problem is just in the play testers group block. I just made a post no one can read
  9. I'm super excited about the forgeguard. I've wanted a dwarf melee unit like them for awhile, add to that the fact that the sculpts rock and I'm a happy camper. It's been awhile since PP put out something that got me this excited. The other two seem OK to me. Orin is nice with a cool pose, maybe he is a tad plain. Wrathe is ok too, and is obviously a vast improvement over the last cavalry guy they posted. I like the mounted version , though the dismount is a bit awkward.
  10. Oh I had forgotten about this. I had to get some fresh shots of my area. If you look carefully you'll see the murder's row of Wyrd stuff currently on my dance card.
  11. Man I don't even see how something like that could be economically viable. Is there really a market for models of this size and price range? Still it looks nice, like most of the FW stuff usually does.
  12. I have a deadwood team so I'll be picking these up at Gencon. They should be much easier to transport then their big brothers.
  13. Thats nice to see, SJB' s stuff is always top shelf. Personally I'm hoping for some more pieces in the zO lineup.
  14. Oh I'm so saving that image for my own use. That is awsome.
  15. These are pretty cool. I have long been a fan of the look of the Croc minis, so naturally I like these as well. Plus I think Marike Reimer paint jobs could sell me on the merits of just about any mini. I guess these are for some RPG setting then? Not something I really need, but if I spot them at Gencon a may pick up one or two for purely painting purposes.
  16. So this is just a mini line, not a new game right? Anyway, it is kinda nice to see reaper branch out a bit. Although if the previews there are any indication the genre may be different, but the Reaper style/look is still very much in place.
  17. I started on mine awhile back, but I'm not happy with the way they are turning out. Seeing this makes me even more sure I don't like mine. I just might be heading to the striping jar. Any way you did a great job. You made lovely color selections, with some nice smooth blends. Just aces.
  18. GW seems hell bent on ripping all the fun out of their models. With each each of the most recent line up they have show I find my self saying that I liked the previous versions better. It kinda makes me sad.
  19. There are certain properties that I would love to see done up with proper traditional metal minis. Namely Star Wars and WoW. Unfortunately they both went the rubbery prepainted minis route, and it just makes me sad all day. These seem nice for what they, but they don't scratch that itch I have.
  20. I think I have a new favorite mini! I MUST get my hand on an Arctic Imperator, I pretty much love every thing about it. Man I wish the Kraken stuff was easier to get.
  21. I kinda like the bust, but I'm a fan of cartoony stuff. I don't like the photo shoppiung on it though, just show me the mini please.
  22. Ahhhh pretty pretty Archangels, they are still some of my all time favorite figs. It's a lovely paint job on them too.
  23. Those Buddle scarecrows look like they might be really cool, you can't really tells from those pictures though. I still like the bull, the rest aren't my thing.
  24. Wow a .5 difference split decisions. That is about as close as it could get. I was rooting for the female dominance of this competition to finally end, but I do have to give it up to Skya, she just knocked it out of the park in every round. Congrats! This season of IP was just plain ridiculously difficult and competitive, props to all who stepped up to the challenge. Thanks to Vike for running it, and thanks to the judges for their hard work.
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