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Everything posted by witchfire

  1. moi je suis tellement loint de Paris qu'il me faut prendre un vol trans-atlantique pour my rendre
  2. these are all quite good compare to my first one it had no highlights ,brushing or anything fancy it looked like a fisher price toy heck it wasn't even made of lead i'll try & find it
  3. the stereotypical gamer is usualy portayed has an overweight geek maybe the new trend is minis based on that :laugh:
  4. the big sword is design to draw attention away from the "ahem" part of the mini
  5. the difference is that dice don't bring back bad memories like cards does on some very very personal reasons
  6. from what i've heard he's gonna be included in the villains starter set i now know wich side i'm gonna play in that game:vb_devil:
  7. the finsihed model will have 2 claws comming out of it's back i sure hope they release a non limited-ed version
  8. it's not the lack of dice , it's the use of cards that puts me off i truely hate any games that uses cards (except stat cards) i'm still gonna buy the minis because they're awesome
  9. Dang ! i realy wanted to play malifaux:banghead: i guess i'll just buy the minis then :dong:
  10. i realy hope the card thing is a hoax because i truly want to play this game but i hate using cards you'll never take my dices from me
  11. but to make cards you have to cut down trees & that's not nice
  12. i play : Tannhauser Anima tactics Spinespure Star wars (the collectible one) & some day i'll probably play malifaux
  13. wow those ninja-to are gonna be hard to convert to lightsabers :vb_devil:
  14. the minis are kinda meh but the maze is awesome it'll probably be quite expensive
  15. 1-nacho cheese Doritoss 2- cheese doodle 3-sour cream & oignion flavored chips all must be served with chocolate milk
  16. is previous experience necesary for play-testing ??
  17. 1- Ma & Pa style Burger place , where the fryes are the greasiest ever 2- Quiznos 3- McDonalds
  18. i've been a playstation fanatics / microsoft hater since as long as i can remember yet games like : mass effect , gears of war , ovelrlord & Too human have made me buy an x-box 360. and i love it
  19. i can't beleive it every time a terminator crosses the street it gets run over by a car
  20. resistance can send people far in the past to hide stuff for future use but the machines cant send terminators to kill Sara's parents or grand parents if they blow up aterminator each episode it's gonna get old real fast
  21. i know i'm in the minority here but i think a politcal/religious drama about refugees that focus on backstabbing each other more then survival while been chased by zealot sex-bot on board a WW2 submarine disguised as a spaceship is not real sci-fi
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