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Everything posted by Matakishi

  1. Yes, it's a lot clearer on the figure, the photos are crap but I took over 50 and this was the best I could get today There's lumps of meat around his feet, it doesn't help that they're glossed and have come out blurry does it. Hopefully they'll photograph better later.
  2. I've been up and down You're right, I like to have a starting point for a project, both to inspire and contain it. Historical ones are easy, you know what's involved etc but fantasy and sci fi can end up all over the place and consequently never be finished. With Shadowman I'm contemplating what sort of game it'll be at the moment whilst concentrating on painting the figures and designing the scenery. It'll probably be an umpired skirmish at the end of the day but the real challenge would be to make it a workable two player affair so that's what I'll aim for ultimately. Everything's being based for crossfire so I can use the figures in my weird war 2 games too.
  3. I bought him when he was released (2 years ago?) and I've only just got around to painting him I'm happy with the result. There's more of him and (some of) the rest of his friends here: http://www.matakishi.com/shadowmanproject.htm
  4. He's not a Hell's Angel, there are no black Hell's Angels. His name is Delroy and he's a bouncer in a London club. He took the jacket off a HA and keeps it because it annoys them AFFA etc.
  5. I've just finished thes largeish figures from Black Hat Miniatures and I thought I'd share since I haven't done anything suitable for this forum for a while:) I've written a review which contains a comparison pic with other manufacturers' figures here: http://www.matakishi.com/reviews.htm
  6. Yeah lol, I got the loser's one (Fourth out of four, yay!) It was an enjoyable competition though and it meant I got a crew started sooner rather than later. I've just spent my winnings on some wardroids or 'waiters' as we in the Tea House call them. Congratulations on your well-deserved win. I will of course beat you in the next one...............
  7. I'm not convinced, these are trying to look like what the production ones will be. The bases won't be painted will they? And those mechs are not what the production ones are going to be, not with that level of painted detailing. The resin figure on the right of the mech is a pre-production figure waiting for his paint. I'm looking forward to the final appearnace of this range because I think the mech is a nice figure and I can use it, but so far the rest leaves me completely cold. The slightest spark of originality could turn it all around but it looks like it's going to be lowest common denominator gaming again.
  8. It's all just a bit ordinary isn't it. The humans are the same as every other set of humans have been ever since Aliens was made. The aliens are the height of seen-it-all-before impractical sadness. The walkers might get some use, not because they're original, but because if they're plastic they might be cheap enough bother with. Considering the originality of Rackham's fantasy lines this is doubly disappointing. Then again, the pre-painted plastics will probably put most people off because they'll be badly painted bendy things with big staring eyes.
  9. I've changed my mind, list all your figures as '28mm scale' and leave it at that. There will be pedants that point out that 28mm isn't a scale it's a measurement as if you didn't know but you can reply that it's a new scale to describe 32mm figures that are a little bit further away and this will confuse them and make them all die (just hoping here). Accuracy and honesty are clearly not necessary in the miniatures business and you have been a poor innocent fool trying to introduce them. Learn from yuor mistake, Lie and sell!!!!
  10. Very nice, just waiting for the judging now (I hope it's sooner rather than later, I don't want to bug Rod but it would be nice to know).
  11. The archer fish is fantastic, especially the water, very fine effect indeed.
  12. I've come to this a bit late haven't I? Oh well, I think I made my views clear over on TMP. There are a lot of people who don't know how big their miniatures are. They can't picture how big your miniatures are because 32mm means nothing to them. They think their existing miniatures are 28mm and therefore yours are too big. But then there are people like me, an old historical gamer incidently, who is perfectly aware both of the sizes of existing ranges and the size differences I am willing to tolerate in a game. I buy your figures, the people who complain don't. I doubt the complainers ever will buy your figures, no matter what lengths you go to to show them, they'll never see. I must admit that their knee-jerk negative reactions make me want to punch them in the face and, obviously, I feel bad about this. I can only imagine how you must feel when you read that tripe. Best to ignore it and flag them as the *bleep*tards they obviously are
  13. Mine arrived yesterday, they're going to be C.H.U.D. for my Alien Invasion game (not strictly invaders but....) A little something to keep the Spugs above ground
  14. It wasn't humid but it was cold which will do it too. I thought it was warm enough and went ahead because I've been waiting 4 months to get them photographed and displayed. Oh well I've already ordered replacements, stripping them is too much bother. I can repaint them in about five days from scratch. LeadAsbestos, send me your address and they're yours to treasure. matakishi@btinternet.com I was using Humbrol varnish which is a good brand, I've had light misting with purity seal before but that was because of humidity and I could repaint the figures (so I did). I have decided to move to a brush on varnish which will actually save me time as well as being safer. I'll have to spray group bases though probably so the fear will remain.
  15. On Friday I varnished all the figures I've painted since December (except for my latest UNIT figures). You can see them here I think that just about resets the year's painting total to zero
  16. The Sheriff is 6th miniature down on the Monday Knight link. Foundry do modern Police as well as futuristic ones. Westwind/Old Glory do modern Police and CHiPs.
  17. Monday Knight games do a sheriff Here
  18. I'd buy some of these. And a snail too for that matter. And a beholder....... Oh well, you get the picture. Hurry up and cast lots!!
  19. I just received a shipping confirmation from them, they use an international courier which will explain the cost. Airmail from France to UK would cost about £2.00 for the four figures I ordered and not the £8.00 I'm paying atm. Oh well, they'll be worth it..............
  20. I have almost everything they do. The figures are small but well made, similar in size to Hasslefree and the Heresey crew. The star Moghul rules are very nice also, reports will follow, I'm painting the Hydryssians as part of my Doctor Who project and using his humans for my Moonbase game, he's making some new human poses for me to use. Very nice chap. There's one of his figures (without a head, they're all interchangeable) here in a size comparisson pic. Picture
  21. Just stick what you want in your cart, you get to choose a post option before everything's totalled up. You can cancell at any time.
  22. I've just ordered some, the postage to UK is a killer. It works out at £19.00 total for the four main figures, nearly half of that is postage. Having said that, the figures are very high on my list of 'must have' and I have job and can afford them so I'm not really complaining. Once the first ones arrive (fingers crossed because I never saw the set I ordered from Apocalypse or whatever they were called) I expect to dive in for a full set of the rest. I would have bought a panda straight off as well but he wasn't ready. For those that are interested, the book is very good, I believe there's a Penguin classic version available although it went oop for a while in the late 90s. It's called 'Monkey' by Wu Cheng en The Japanese tv show, dubbed into english, is a firm favourite with UK folk of a certain age. Shaw Brothers have a set of four films available which I recommend. Stephen Chow does a 'continuation' in his two Chinese Odyssey films, both are excellent. I haven't seen any of the mangas but I prefer live action anyway
  23. I can't remember if I've bored people with this before. If I have, sorry but I couldn't find the thread. Anyway, I've made a waterfront for my city...... All finished! Waterfront is here The rest of the city is here The write up is here
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