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Everything posted by stubbdog

  1. One week and counting me hearties!!! Entries are due at midnight one week from today.
  2. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the sponsors have started sending in their prize packages... And so far we are up to over 100 miniatuers and $200 worth of gift certificates. And we have not even received from all of them yet. This is shaping up to be a GREAT contest for those that participate. This guarantees plenty of prizes for the winners, as well as several prizes by random draw in each category. But, there are only 2 weeks left, so you better hurry if you want to get in on the winning free stuff. Send submissions to: admin@exodus-road.com
  3. Ed209 as a spider... only one I like.
  4. AAArrrrrr..... The winds be blowin good and the sun tis shining down on our piratey paint contest. Another sponsor has added their booty to our treasure chest of prizes. This time, tis none other than: Crunch Waffle minis Reminder, this contest goes thru Sep 19th.
  5. defintely keep us up to date if they catch the person.. Condolences for your car.....
  6. Fairly simple design, but just something about her that I like a lot.
  7. have you seen their female centaur? That one is the top CW mini to me.
  8. very nice colors. I have in my head about 4-5 different schemes I want to try painting this one up to. Funny enough this was one of the schemes that I had thought of. You did great on it. Looks like I am gonna have to start painting faster before other people paint my other scheme ideas before I do...
  9. I like everything about them except for the fact that it looks like they need to go to the bathroom.
  10. stupid question but have you called motorola support?
  11. Except for the headress on the alien, I like them. But, really cant wait for the spiderqueen.
  12. I just wanted to step in real quick and say, that I appreciate Nathan telling me that I could use basically what amounts to his same rules that he uses over here. I had asked him if it was ok to use them as they were of course well thought out and worked well. I will be posting recognition on our site as well thanking him. Jason
  13. hey, just saw it. Overall I like it. Only problem I think I have is the upper lip. Seems to have a major overbite thing happening. And I know it is tree-ish so should have some malformations and whatnot, but still something about it is jusst bugging me.
  14. Good question. Be honest, I'd probably let you decide. Course you could paint up a bunch of them and then submit them as a all three, Dogs, rats, and diorama...
  15. We are now up to 14 different prize sponsors. And it just keeps getting better and better. Including, we just received word from the guys that helped to start the whole concept of National Talk Like a Pirate Day. They have joined our list of prize sponsors with a couple copies of their Talk like a Pirate book.
  16. ye, why use something for free when you can pay money for it....
  17. I just love her colors and smooth transitions on that light purply ice witch.
  18. i like that they are trying to take things in a different direction it seems, but these particular sculpts just do it for me.
  19. It's once again time to have another painting challenge, the second of hopefully four painting contests for the year. With the recent rash of miniatures, the release of a movie, and even its own national day of recognition, we figured what better theme than that of PIRATES! With 5 categories and over 10 manufacturers, including Wyrd Games, providing prize support means that there are plenty of opportunities and reasons to show off your hidden pirate. Click the pic to take you to the details and rules.
  20. You know, I usually dont care for Weibe's stuff that much. But, I really like this one. Both dwarves are great. I actually got to see the skellie base while Bob was sculpting it at ReaperCon 2006. It was amazing how fast he made that thing. I like how it turned out.
  21. This was one that I was trying to get finished for a painting contest recently, but unfortunately did not get done in time. It was my really my first true attempts at chrome-ish NMM. For having done any kind of NMM only about a half dozen times, I am pretty happy with my results. With the zoomed in pics I have already spotted a half dozen problem points but oh well, i think it is time to call this one done and move on. But, as always, opinions are always welcomed for improvement is always the goal. Oh, and since it will be the first thing that everyone will point out, yes, I on purpose left the base bare. I figured it was going to be tough enough to paint chrome type issues with a bare base much less something that had a bunch of detail in it.
  22. I couldnt get a good picture of them, but actually I was really happy with the eyes. They just dont come across gerat in the pictures. They are sunken eyes. So you are seeing the shadow here, but not the actual eyes which really can only be seen from one specific angle, unfortunately. Just a tough nugget to photograph.
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