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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. These are some figs she posted over at the Reaper forum in November. I saw a first run casting of the Mongol barbarian chick at Reaper last week. It is quite cool!
  2. I like the figure and would like to get one just to paint for myself. But it doesn't come prepackaged with a free twinkie. :thumb:
  3. I have those boxed away for myself, they're mine, I tell you, mine! Bwahahahah!
  4. This looks just like a bachelor party for a buddy of mine I attended in August. I would be the red-bearded dwarf with his nose in the.....um....air. Nicely painted. Anybody got any "one's"?
  5. Thanks man! Brunhilde hasn't started singing yet.... It will be metal one way or another.
  6. I have to admit, I'll probably not be collecting any of these except maybe the gorilla. I saw the casting in person out at the Reaper paintclub last weekend and it's friggin' hurge! Not just huge, mind you, but hurge! That is one big slab of solid metal. Well, once it's glued together.
  7. Well - the winners are announced here! http://www.hasslefreeminiatures.co.uk/comp.php I really want one of those alien Stalks figures. Very cool!
  8. @green stuff - no bashing suspected The process for producing plastic sprues is vastly different and much more costly than pressing vulcan spin molds. From what I understand of the process, steel molds are necessary for injecting molten plastics. The molds have to be cut with a tiny router bit, gouging out the cavity from a solid block of metal. This used to be done by hand with a "pantograph" aparatus. The master model would be sprued up as a pattern and "traced" at one end, and at the other the pantograph cutting arm would drill into the steel mold blank carving out a reverse 1/3rd the size of the original. There is a very old White Dwarf issue I have that covers this process for the Eldar Falcon Grav Tank. This process is also utilized to cut custom aluminum wheel rims for vehicles. Now with computer technology, yes - master patterns can be digitally scanned, cleaned up, manipulated or added to and then loaded into the robotically controlled pantograph cutter. This also allows models to be created in 3D programs like AutoCAD, or likely Maya, and imported into the steel cutting machine. Rather than having a master mold cutter actually operating the router machine by hand, it is now possible to have the mold cutting machine run 24hrs a day. That would save them money because they don't have to keep some old coot slaving over the machine. Here is another fun article about the process: http://www.uaw.org/publications/skill/01/1/skill02_2.html There was also a garage kit guy who was planning on putting out a kit based on one of his 3D character designs. The company he mentioned was Art to Part: http://www.atpdev.com/
  9. Those are festive! I think if there were zombies in the Asterix comic books they would look just like these! Cartoony really works sometimes!
  10. Yeah - that's a little too "Elmore" in design for my preference.
  11. Here's an article that was posted over at 1Listsculpting http://www.mcadonline.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=116&Itemid=73 WHAT!?! If that isn't the most arrogant self-stroking GW has done! It would be more convincing had Harbinger or even Dragon had said that, but to issue that as a quote from an in-house publication. Poor taste. But don't expect them to pass that savings on to the customers. That would only be proven by releasing a plastic Thunderhawk Gunship model that retailed for the price that the same sized Revell/Mongram aircraft kits run for. Never.... But - lets not foucs on the bashing. Kudos to them for using their resources to impliment new technology to increase quality and productivity. Somebody's gotta be the top dog.
  12. Hmmm. Hopefully HORDES may tickle your fanicies. I know my wife is a little more receptive to it since it is critter-based. She has some really ass-kicking rats and bugs from the evil Empire so it's cool to be able to migrate and support a new company. Nicely made models though! I really dig the RPG setting.
  13. Yes - coming from a tec support jockey, backup! backup! backup! Hope for the best, expect the worst and keep a safe copy of everything!
  14. I work the 8pm-6am shift and would go barking mad if I didn't have the forums to cruise. So yeah, even though there is no one here to supervise us they are apparently paranoid enough of "p0rn" to restrict access to hosts like even photobucket and imageshack. So you lot that host your pics there, I'm not ignoring ya' - I just can't see them. :mad: As an artist I'm pretty much on board with all of Eric's suppositions. So to sweeten the pot, here is one of my favorite linkies - DON'T CLICK AT WORK THOUGH not p0rn ----> http://www.domai.com/ As for nudie minis, I prefer the stuff that is more realistically proportioned over the more cartoony (aka AdultFilm-like) types of sculpts. I will always judge a figure (as also a 2D painting) by, "What's this trying to tell me?"
  15. Looking good GS! I dig that pedistal base too. Did you make that? Without trying to be too artsy-fartsy, one of the things we as artists should be looking at is how this value approach will affect us when painting normally. One of the classic procedures used by the Dutch Masters was grisaille (pronounced gree-zai), a French word meaning literally shades of gray from a mixture of black and white. Value is what we use more than color to distinguish depth and contrast. Understanding values is fundamental to any type of painting. See the classical process here: http://www.artpapa.com/oil-painting-lesson-1/index.html and see how it can apply to mini painting here: http://www.brushthralls.com/Mercs2/dd/index.php http://www.brushthralls.com/Mercs3/dd/index.php very interesting to me.
  16. Boobies! I'm surprised no one here suggested that already (aside from the Nazis I think....) Seriously though, you know I'm totally on board with the whole dragon thing. I have pretty much hated all of the previous dragons released except for two. Both of those are based on Den Beuavais artwork and were previously available through Iron Wind, The Antagonists and Bridge of Sorrows. Of course, I'm currently deeply entrenched in the whole Steam-powered genre and would love to see a more expansive line of those types of characters for RPGs. Something that would be similar to what Reaper is doing with their DHL characters but more heavily Victorian in design. Think Bram Stoker's Dracula-like costumes and it would be spot on.
  17. I want to paint something for this too but I still need to dig through my massive backlog of bare metal to settle on something suitable. I have a process all mapped out though and it seems like it will be a fun experiment. Lotsa washes!
  18. Hahaha! I'm just glad you got it in one piece. The priority box was a little snug - so glad to hear it arrived safe. Thanks for the support!
  19. Yah - make mine big barbarian wimmins types. :thumb:
  20. Just wanted to let all of the sculptors know that The Mini Vault's Sculpting Service Profile's are ready and waiting for you to start using! SWEET! I'm surfin' on over!
  21. I saw this really cool figure over on the Privateer Press forums where Helldiver had used it to make a Warmachine Cleric of Morrow. Since I had one of the figures I wanted to try a shot at converting her into a Journeyman (Journeywoman?) Warcaster. It was a simple matter of grinding a few things down with my trusty Dremel tool and then adding a bit of greenstuff. She is painted with Reaper MSP metallics. The boiler on the steam armor is all greenstuff except for the brass tubing on the smoke stack. The details on the base were made from old model tank and watch gear bitz with more brass tubing. See more views by clicking here. Post what ya think!
  22. Hey that would be great! I can add them on the next update. Thanks!
  23. Thanks GS! I don't have any shapers yet but have heard they are good for doing all sorts of stuff like folds in cloaks and other things. I will add extra sections to update that as I go.
  24. We added a new overview of using Kneadatite Green and Brown putty to the Tips section of our site. Probably not a lot of useful info here for seasoned veteran sculptors but check out all the really cool close up photos of my big thumbs! Tips - Green putty
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