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Everything posted by Patrick

  1. Serously - you guys really need to camp out on these web sites for a while As tzor posted http://foodnetwork.com http://www.epicurious.com/ Remember these mottos: All things in moderation. and: Wine, Women and Song!
  2. Cool! It looks like she arrived safe 'n' sound. I was really nervious about shipping her out. Thanks for the support guys! Can't wait to see her painted up. I will definitely be getting some copies of the Pistoleer and Stalks. Those are just terrific!
  3. Um - those are cool! And you know all of the Browncoats will think they are cool too!
  4. We had just moved into our house (about 8 years ago) which was built in a new sub-division out in the middle of what was originally cow pastures. So we had all of the usual pests that make their way in from the woods. One freaky thing I'd never seen before was a cave cricket, some mutant form of hoppy thing between a grasshopper and cricket. Anyway, while dozing on the couch one day I got the heebedy-jeebedys. I proceeded to peer right above my head where the armrest of the couch was and there sat one of the biggest wolf spiders I had ever seen. He looked at me as if I had interrupted his native mating ritual. My reaction was only slightly less than Supervike's as I scrambled to find a swatting instrument. Normally I'm all for live-and-let-live along with other forms of Bhuddest tree-hugging crap, but when creepy crawlers sneak up on me, they got a good squishin' due! Here's something similar to what he looked like:
  5. Kewl! :tongue2: A little stiff, pose-wise, but kewl.
  6. Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about! I've been waiting on this one. I can see it a little greener maybe, Incredible Hulk-like. What a fun model!
  7. Pretty much everyone in the Iron Kingdoms is evil one way or another. They need chicks.
  8. Yep, I'm with Art and Green Stuff on this one. Oh - and look, another round slotted base. We need more of those. I do like the armament on the big mech-thing. Ideal design would include modular mounts to swap weapon types. === edit: Why do I always end up at the top of the second page?
  9. Too bad they aren't actual wolves, or even wolf-like Wolfen, or even were-warp-wolfy wolfses. I thought there were already enough armored humans running around with pole-arms in table-top wargames. Ho hum. Still, the sculpts are superb.
  10. GOOD LORD! I don't even want to post mine now.... ...and she's in red latex.
  11. Thanks! I had a little trouble keeping the skulls all the same, they're so friggin' tiny! The base is Magic Sculp. Cheaper by the ounce than GS or BS. I have something "special" planned for the Femme contest.
  12. I finally finished our promo project I was working on, so it was time to do a little painting to blow off some steam! I started with a base coat of gray Rustoleum primer which is darker than Floquil. The skin was then highlighted up using Reaper MSP Twilight Blue, Polished Bone up to Pure White. The back of her cloak fetures a pattern of freehand painted skulls and the base is illuminated by a painted on source light of flowing lava. This is my first attempt at on-source lighting for the lava stuff. Click on the thumbnail here to vote at CMoN: I'm trying to push my painting technique to the "next level". Let me know any feedback! Thanks!
  13. Superb! I like the design on the floor. The pinstripes really look great (and are difficult to keep straight.) My fav though is the magnified eyes in the glasses, brilliant.
  14. Oooooh! Diggety cool! I like the colors. Dionne's left leg looks a bit wierd from the sculpt around the knee area, but the paint job is very cool. I like that it's not just an all straight black cat suit. Signee's base, izzat scratchbuilt or a resin thing from somewhere I need to know about?
  15. Woohoo! Yay Supervike! Post pics when you can, unless you already did and I just can't see them.
  16. This is pretty much the best thing out there right now. 'Can't go wrong on that one.
  17. Hate to post a spoiler but, not really. Too many conveniently placed bits obstructing the view. (see "Con's" item 2 above) It's nowhere near Halle's Swordfish exposure. :worship: Matinee would be a good way to catch it.
  18. Kate in the suit! Almost worth the admission price. This flick had tons of potential but sadly was hokey, predictable and definitely one-sided. The werewolves may as well have never even appeared on screen a little as they were utilized as a plot device. Pro's Kate's cleavage William Corvinus (more of this, less of the next list) The opening 10 minutes Marcus in bat form Chunks of Marcus (you will know it when you see it!) Derek Jacobi (Alexander) Bill Nighy (Viktor) Costumes/Production design Con's Michael Lame-assed tease scene Michael Were-what's? Michael "Don't leave him here" Michael The helicopter Michael Rip from Raiders of the Lost Ark flying wing Michael Merc troops Michael movie-blood/syrup Michael gratuitous gore
  19. We've been doing all sorts of shows since 1999 when we published our comic book line and then later moved on to doing general fantasy art shows. V and I have done Mephit, ConiFur, Confurance, Rockon, multiple local sci-fi and comic cons, Wonderfest, Project A-kon, Wizard World, and several Dragon*Con and GenCon appearances. LeadAsbestos has some really valid points regarding the line. The idea to do a show like this is all about exposure. Even if you don't sell as much as hoped, you can still write off the expense as marketing/promotions since that's essentially what it is. Since this is specifically about minis I will refer primarily to GenCon. Previously, we had discussed the possibilty of moving out of setting up in the art show and combining an Exihibit Hall space with a few of the other artists. We would split the cost of the booth and each set up an area to do sketches/sell prints. This was primarily for visibility since all the BIG artists did well in the main hall. This became pretty moot last year when GenCon moved the art show into its own space inside the Exhibit Hall itself. Anyway, it may be possible to team up with some other smaller, or start-up, mini companies to split the cost of the booth space. I would recommend focusing on strictly industry oriented shows like you mentioned, GenGon and Origins. Dragon*Con has a large gaming base but tends to be an "all-genre" show and business is dependent on what actor talent they have signing. You may also want to consider just attending the shows as a visitor (if you haven't been yet) and see how some of the other companies are set up. You can get a lot of really great display ideas even from smaller game publishers. PS - I'm almost finished with my current project and will be back on the pencil soon! PPS - MK Studios will not have a space in the GenCon art show this year since we will be completely focusing on our miniatures business and will likely be splitting our time between Reaper, Privateer Press and all the mini events making ourselves nuisances!
  20. Then we might be able to arrange some sort of a swap if'n you come up with any extras.
  21. Huh? What? Did somebody mention something about a post.....? I like sketch 3 as far as a pose. The details on the costume turned out well. I like the ruff and the lacing on her bodice. The pics seem kinda small or soft to get a good idea of the face, but you already complained about your camera so that's not a biggie. Great work. And thanks for hosting those anywhere but photobucket, I can actually see them at work (yay!)
  22. Hmmm. Then none of you will probably think this is cool, either: I thought these troll guys were a great idea from a gaming/fluff standpoint and is one of the more fun things out there right now. It reminds me of what GW used to do with Orks when they were creative. (Back in the old Waggggh! days)
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