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Everything posted by supervike

  1. I got off the 'gaming PC' carousel a few years back. Love my Xbox 360. But, Starcraft is just one of those fantastic games that makes me wanna go back to the PC. Any chance we'll see it on consoles? "it's a zergling, Lester" The in game movies for StarCraft were undoubtably the best ever made for a video game.
  2. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed by the name. Seriously, it's one of the coolest figs yet for AE Bounty...why does he have to be "generic trooper" Astro-Marine Star-naut Planetary Defense Force Orbital Enforcer Gravitational GI The fig itself kicks butt!:painkill:
  3. I would have thought it was disgusting...but it's not! It's absolutely delicious!
  4. I think several skirmish games will (and already have) fared badly in the 'saturation' of the market. But there are a few 'cream of the crop' games that rise above the din. Malifaux is certainly one of those.
  5. Yeah, I watched V just recently, and felt it was pretty good too. I 'rented' all the OLD 'V's on Netflix....It was such cheesy good fun! Marc Singer in tight jeans, overacting, bad special effects, and Freddie Krueger as 'comic relief'. I do vaguely remember V when it originally aired....(i'm old like dirt)
  6. And more New Year Clearing out for supervike... I had planned on turning these fellas into a Highlander Warhammer Fantasy Battle army, using the EMPIRE rules...but I've too many projects and not enough time. There are 30 metal models here (31 if you count the horseman and horse seperately). All from the Reaper line of miniatures sculpted by Bobby Jackson. There is a bagpiper musician, a one handed leader, some archers, spearmen, swordsmen, guys with Claymores, a shaman, and a horseback riding fella....all kilted and ready for duty! All you see in the pic is included. My price is $40 American dollars PLUS shipping, and I will ship anywhere, as long as you pay shipping. I accept only verifiable Paypal. Questions or more pics? PM me or e-mail me supervike AT yahoo DOT com Thanks!
  7. Well, I never played the game....so I can't comment on that. I tend to buy things on a whim, and then it just starts piling up....Very bad habit! The minis are demented, that's for sure. I think if I have more time, and less stuff, I could get into it moreso.
  8. Spinespur is a horror miniature skirmish game, check it out here http://www.comfychairgames.com/home.php If you and your gaming buddies were thinking about getting into Spinespur, here's a good opportunity for you. I'm selling off all of this: For the low price of $50 bucks! Those items new run very close to 90 bucks. PLUS, I've assembled and primed most of the minis, (antipope and sex star six are not assembled) Three of the figures are fully painted. From the pic above you can see HACK and Mr. Jingles are painted, I've reassembled his batting arm, and I have also now painted Pigskin. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZlYp8z5tNlE/Swm7RQxalsI/AAAAAAAAAOA/y9fvIRvIHFA/s1600/pigboyPANARAMA.jpg Other than thumbing through the Rules book, it's basically never been used. I've just got too many games, and need to concentrate on a few. So, you get Hack (painted) Mr. Jingles (painted) Pigskin (painted) 4 Thugs (based, primed) Martin Greygun (based, primed) The Anti Pope, (still in blister) Sex Star Six (a Gene Simmons from Kiss clone, not painted) The Spinespur Rulebook 50 bucks, and I'll ship ANYWHERE, provided you pay the shipping. Interested? PM me or e-mail me supervike AT yahoo DOT com
  9. Well Deserved indeed. Take it from me, who just gets a small peek at the things those folks do behind the scenes...These guys deserve all the accolades they can get. @weird sketch....Love the Charles Foster Kane!!
  10. HA HA HA Peterdita watches Trueblood! Oh wait, is that not funny?
  11. What's with the teeny little guns? Miniatures can't kill the bad guys unless the gun is much much bigger. (these are pretty cool!)
  12. I seriously doubt that these would fit into my belly button. Or is there another type of Naval I should know about?
  13. That will also work for any Chewbacca conversions planned....
  14. These would be great if only there was a 'fantasy' football game that could be had for free.....hmmm...Oh well.
  15. That's very spiffy indeed! They put out unparalleled Sci fi stuff!
  16. You know they just don't make enough Orcs with pizza for me.
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