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Celtic Lilly

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Everything posted by Celtic Lilly

  1. Probably because you are a 'known' painter. People that have reputations in this community tend to get treated different than Jill and John Peon. I have ordered from Newwave before. I got half of my order and they didn't send me the rest. I took pictures and went to my credit union and filed a complaint. Took a bit of a fight but they gave me my money back, the bank not Newwave.
  2. I like that link, thank you for providing it Mr. Mad Max! So what is this stuff made out of?
  3. Thank you for the warning! I was actually looking at some of their stuff off of a link a few nights ago and have a few things in my shopping cart like the Lively Spirits, those are great! Won't order from there now!
  4. OoooooOoooooOhh! Me thinks the Wyrd online shop is about to get opened. Right, right??
  5. !!!!! I jumped out of my skin there at the end! Warn a girl!
  6. I like it Mr. Supervike, poor little cow head.
  7. Thats cute, really. And that baby boy is sooooooo adorable. Mom must be proud of him, I know Dad is! :five:
  8. These are absolutely beautiful. It really is upsetting when a 'youngblood' can paint better than most adults.
  9. Can you post all the ones you have done lately and not brought over here? Someone said something about a Munchkin and a pretty woman on water. I think.
  10. Oh, I didn't know they were machines! Still don't like them though.
  11. That is a very nice drawing Mrs. Dukino! You did a nice job on it Eric!
  12. Thank you for pointing this out Mrs. Gin. I have nothing against WoH or Tracy, sorry, didn't know her name, but the whole fees thing sounds off. I realize there are costs involved, and that there was shipping, but a lot of people on the site did that 'Adopt an Elf' and paid for the miniatures shipping and if I see right on the site, this is the first time I've been there, that a lot of people have donated a significant amount of cash, and then you have all the stuff being auctioned off for administrative fees. That adds up to a LOT of money with just a bit of calculation and I have to say that I have sold stuff on ebay before, one thing going for almost three thousand dollars, and what she has there more than covered the fees involved. I hope it all goes well, just that it seems a bit much for people to be giving up all their stuff for fees which aren't going to be 'that' much, especially when the S&H fees being quoted are high for what the actual shipping is, so that helps cover some of the costs. Again, I'm not trying to belittle what is being done, I just find the costs amazing.
  13. That sucks! Take new pictures though if you think it will be better. You won't get the same score though, not even remotely, as the scoring and voting has become very different over the last year IMO. Nice miniature though!
  14. Very nice Mrs. Cdukino! Too small for me.
  15. Don't get me wrong, that paint job is better than I can do, but doesn't it seem a little substandard for what Privateer Press normally puts out?
  16. I mean the second post, the third picture. You just recently started drawing?
  17. Take off two arms, beef up the waist and put some meat on those legs and it would be a very nice miniature! Yuck now though!
  18. :coolpics: THAT. IS. SO. COOL! I love it! I want it! I think you did the right thing with a simple base, though that isn't simple for me, but I suppose it is for you. Very nice! Speaking of WoH, I think that is a nice idea! I have to ask though, why are they selling everyone elses stuff, for some very high dollar might I point out, and calling it administrative fee's? It doesn't cost THAT much to sell these things, the Takhisis Dragon they are selling right now should cover EVERYTHING for the foreseable future. Just wondering. Jaw dropping Eric, really, really nice.
  19. Nice. I can't even draw a doodle. Your second post has some promise!
  20. They are done well but they seem to lack something, like definition and the little extra spark, like they are half done or something. Everything seems to be too soft. Does that make sense?
  21. Thank you Eric, I just spit coke all over the screen over your comment! That is a BIG miniature. I'm guessing only people that play the game would buy that. I am interested in seeing it painted though.
  22. This is absolutely breath taking Eric. You are GIVING this AWAY?!?!?!? Sucka. :iam:
  23. I tend towards more simple miniatures, something that doesn't have too many hard spots and fine detail work as I know my own limitations! Rackham look nice but I'm not going to waste my money on them because I can't paint them at all. No favorite sculptors ATM though there are some that I have been keeping an eye on more recently. Those premade bases must DIE! I don't have a dremel and using snips and files takes forever and is hell on my nails. I paint because I like the pretty shiny things, though I have been known to just clean them and prime them so I can look at them instead of putting paint on them. Bad habbit of mine. Packaging doesn't really matter to me, though I have noticed a tendency towards looking at studio paint jobs before painting mine as it helps me get an understanding for the miniature and maybe see something that I might have missed.
  24. That squirel is so adorable. Happy getting old day!
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