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Everything posted by lauth81

  1. I took some input from this thread and last saturday at my favourite games store I bought VMC Ivory (would have bought VMC Smoke too if it would have been available). I like it. Works well as a final highlight and mixes well with the other paints, doesn´t get chalky as pure white often does.
  2. Well, affordable, I don´t know. The starter box is still 80€. I find that pretty much for prepainted plastics, even if there´s a rulebook plus some scenery in it. Paintjob is ok for pre-painted. I´ve got some DnD plastics, they are worse.
  3. I actually like the paintjob. I guess we`ll see lots of "dark" paintjobs in the future. That´s like treading the easy path ... @matty: glad to see you pulled yourself together!
  4. The goblin hiding the ball is awesome, the werebear ("Ulfwerner") is cool (and the only sculpt for this position as far as I know.) Halfling with chainsaw is nice too, unfortunately there is no such position in the current "official" rules. The orc blitzer looks too much like a GW carbon copy IMHO. The big one seems odd. His arms look too small for his body.
  5. I use mostly Vallejo Game Color, some Vallejo Model Color and a few GWs. Most of the GW are inks. These are the paints available at my FLGS and I don´t want to order (and pay s/h) for paints. The shop is well stocked with minis and can order almost anything for me, so there´s no need to buy online. I´m quite happy with the VGC, even if they have their dropbacks. They clog easily, sometimes the top of the bottle comes off and you have to shake them very well and long. And I don´t like the Vallejo metallics (from both lines), the GW are better and I´m switching to GW metallics. The VMC I have are worse than VGC, they separate quite quickly and don´t mix very well. I suspect that´s because they don´t sell very well at the shop and are a bit old. (Lots of GW diehards there, they only buy GW ... :der: ) Sometimes I use craft paints, but only for diorama stuff. If you remember my Rotten Harvest II entry with the ghost in the tomb, the tomb was painted with craft paints. The PP paints might be available at my FLGS very soon (large Warmachine group there) and maybe the new Rackham ones as well. I´ll wait and see ...
  6. I really like: Both seaelves and the incubus. I guess, the frogmen warriors are a blast to paint. Those turtleshell shields are a nice idea. The vampire is ok, the dark dwarf too. I don´t care for the lupine (can´t compare to Confrontation Wolfen) and the female mage. The thug is bleh and the elf, I´ll try to forget reaper let this one slip into production ... Btw. A new reaper catalogue (Casket Works) is out and already available from their website.
  7. Did you just throw the site into high gear, FF? First it was slow and now it´s very fast loading. Well done, anyway! Big thanks
  8. I would like a chat room in here. I´m not the most talkative person around, but I would like to virtually hang out here at wyrd and give my 2 cents woth now and then.
  9. Looks very good! How about a whole team and playing the game? :cool: You might score for best painted team at tourneys with your level of skill!
  10. That´s the one I was referring to. I like the 28mm one more than the new and bigger one.
  11. Spam protection would be nice. There were quite some spambots making entries on the wyrd board over the last few weeks.
  12. Not bad, but I like the 28mm version more (the one where she seems to walk to you).
  13. Had a nightmare about spam mails last night. Very strange, I never had one like this (as far as I can remember) before. In my youth, I had recurring nightmares about falling down from great heights. And now I've got vertigo. Bummer.
  14. but he has feet ... They´re small and are difficult to spot with the angle of the shot, but there are feet.
  15. I fell in love with the Ultimate Irix ... then I saw the price tag: 40 Euros
  16. correct (german) spelling would be: Gewürztraminer very old and colourful, almost spicy kind of vine. Sadly, it dropped out of favour somewhat in Germany and you don´t see it often. That you have Pinot Grigio on your list too, fits.
  17. You´re the man, flynn! I tried to lay hands on a bottle of this, but it´s difficult to get here in Germany :-(
  18. Since we got a thread about disgusting foodstuffs and the theme of drinks surfaced in quite some other threads, I decided to start a thread on favourite drinks, both with and without alcohol. Let's start... Without: - Coffee: I´m a confessing Ex-coffee-holic. Now I´m back to normal levels (3 - 5 big cups per day), but I still like it strong with just a small amount of sugar and cream. I´m old school and don´t like any additional flavours or fancy stuff done with insane amounts of milk or cream (Latte macsomething ... eek) And don´t tell my about decaf ... what´s the point drinking coffee then? - simple tap water is the ultimate thirst quencher, maybe mixed half/half with apple juice. (tap water has higher health/hygiene requirements than bottled water you can buy in Germany. I think that´s true for the US as well.) - If my mind is set on totally artificial flavours, i´m going with a Dr. Pepper. But after a can, I´m done with that kind of stuff for a while. With: - Wine: Well, I basically grew up in a vineyard, I know a lot about making wine and still live in the biggest wine producing area in all of Germany. My favourites are "dry" (read as non-sweet) white and red wines, preferably a "Riesling" or a "Spätburgunder". - Beer: Hmmm, Beer. I like the "Pils" kind of beer most. Big company beers of this kind I like are "Beck's" and "Jever". They have somewhat bitter taste. There's a regionally produced beer I really like, it's called "Apostelbräu". I enjoy drinking english/irish stout beers as well. I´m not one for mixing beer with softdrinks, putting adittional flavours into it or making it less bitter . (A fashion here in Germany as of late) - Whiskey: Now we're getting to the good stuff. I like the taste of a good bourbon more than a scotch, but most scottish single malts are appreciated too. A good bourbon for example is "Woodford Reserve", a not as good, but really smooth whiskey is "Four Roses". I like "Wild Turkey" too. *Warning* If you ever happen to have a drink with me and you put either ice ("on the rocks") or pour coke into your whiskey, expect to get a hard smack on your head. Heresy, I say, heresy! That´s downright disgusting. Simple water ("soda") is ok, not everybody can stand the pure taste, but coke? Ice cools the whiskey down too much and you won´t be able to taste it´s full flavour. - Other spirits: Hmm, well, I drink tequila sometimes and if I´m into cocktails, I´ll order a White Russian (Vodka+Cream+Coffee Liquor).
  19. Well, the difference in beer-brewing is: Even the big companies in Germany make decent, if not good beer. Of course, the beer of micro breweries is almost always better, that´s true in Germany too (and I guess, across the world). On a sidenote: I recently watched an us-american TV ad for Miller. Funnily, they won an award at the world beer competition. The category they won was "American Style Lager". I guess they had to compete with Budweiser and Coors ...
  20. Funny. We (Some members of my football team, including me) actually have exactly this running joke. We bring a bottle of Jack Daniels to the game or tournament and replace the label with "In case of emergency - open bottle". :nurse: Yeah, that's Germany (and I talk about american football, not soccer)
  21. I like the seaelves. The rest is blah.
  22. I really liked that. Very funny. Reminded me of a Country&Western band, that does songs about vampires only. Coffinshakers was their name, if I remember correctly. (And no, I don´t like C&W normally at all, but hey, it´s about vampires!)
  23. I agree. Both the orc and the dwarf are awesome sculpts. And the s/h inside europe are very low. Let me take a look at my wallet ...
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