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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I say it's a mixed bag. I quite like the character model. The bows do look like they could fold up and stick in your back pocket. The description just annoys me because it calls them claymores when they are clearly katanas. (claymore is a double edged broadsword, Katana is a curved single-edged sword) The male faces I don't care for at all, though that's just taste as they appear to be very well sculpted.
  2. I listen to a variety of things in the car. Usually books on tape - just finished one about John Adams. Lately I've been in the mood for Country. Don't know who sang it, but turned on the radio the other day to hear this lyric: "She can hold her own at a champaigne brunch toss back jello shooters with Smirnof But tequila makes her clothes fall off." Gotta love country lyrics.
  3. Funny. I think it could have been done better though. The concept is great, but he still has to totally incapacitate the opponent before actually using the Kaboomi so it loses there. The ending was kind of redeeming though. I liked Icky-Thump better.
  4. All I can think of #1 is that Moe grew a beard. Love the guy mid-axe-throw.
  5. #1 nothing special, but #2 is impressive
  6. nice head. I like this one better, but he still seems to have a thing for sculpting women with their pants/skirts falling down.
  7. Very nice looking dragons, but I think the wings are mostly too small and they seem to have trouble at the (for lack of a better word) insertion points. The fire dragon doesn't have these problems though, and neither does the water dragon (my favorite of the bunch) - though it doesn't really have wings.
  8. Wonder woman, let's see, wears very little clothing, great figure, and likes to tie up men.... nope, can't think of anything. I like the concept of the halberd, but not this particular blade. In that pose I can't see her holding the hammer unless it's in her left hand (sword in right). I can't help thinking she looks like her pants are falling down. Really, fix the skirt.
  9. The banner guy is pretty nice. Great banner and nice face. What were they smoking when they made the 4 flying folk though? It looks to me like they are wearing some sort of medical device: And those first 2 guys are probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and aren't even well sculpted (look at that straight as an arrow and thin as one too arm!). Finally, as snakes with arms go, not bad. I've just never liked snakes with arms.
  10. I don't know, I think they have some very nice High Elves. The hero with the bird and the standard-bearer are very nice. The rank and file look as good as any other GW clone.
  11. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the nice coments on my quickly painted entry. Many of you liked the staff. The woodgrain was actually the easiest thing on the mini. I just painted the staff light brown and drew lines on with a micron pen. I have taken a few shots at painting and carving woodgrain so I knew not to make it pinstripes. Anyway, I have sent PMs to a couple of commentors whose comments touched me, but the rest were so numerous and many focused on the same things that I thought I would post here. Quite a few of you commented on the color choice. It had a purpose. Several others said the face needed more shading. However, I disagree. But they didn't know what I was basing my paint job on. Here is the image that was the inspiration for the paint job: So, you see, I really wanted a face that was washed out and extremely pale. Oni spotted the resemblence right away and that was great. Really I was just waiting to see if anyone noticed. Oh, here's my entry so you don't have to go looking- a slightly younger evil queen willing to show a little leg and before the nose job!
  12. I give a meh to the middle one. Nice face but nothing else works for me. The other 2 are really nice though.
  13. Very realistic. Especailly like the hips. One question though: is that a bar of soap on the ground? If I were to buy her you can guarantee I'd remove the candle and put her in a shower. Hmmm. Might have to buy another one to manacle her wrists and chain her to a pole ala Andromeda.
  14. There's a name for this sort of thing that came up in another thread here and I can't recall what it is. I used to have some old Ral Partha minis that were identical except for a head swap and weapon swap - and no, they weren't supposed to be the same guy at different ages. One was a wizard, the other a monk.
  15. I still keep asking who thought of Kelsey Grammar for Beast though. That trailer makes me side with Stark :peace:
  16. Nice setup. The thing that bugs me about model train fans is that they don't seem to care about scale. The train, yes. They go nuts over extreme accuracy and proportion in the train. Then they put people next to them who are 8 feet tall driving penguin cars.
  17. The site I saw it on had a warning telling you not to be shocked by Maggie being on the wrong side of the car. Very funny and well choreographed. I'll have to watch it slowly some time and see all of the minor characters. I was particularly struck by how much Lisa's music teacher looked like the cartoon.
  18. Sorry, the only Scatman I knew was Scatman Crothers, who is also dead.
  19. Well that's not very encouraging. I can see why you would want to order from them though. They carry some amazing stuff. I love the siege equipment. They actually have a 7" tall siege tower! And it's all pretty historically accurate.
  20. My wishlist keeps getting bigger and bigger! I love those mounted motorcycle cops! Is there a US distributor?
  21. CHiPs would be perfect. Do you know a website? Searching Old Glory I couldn't find any modern cops.
  22. What did you just say about Eric's lady parts?
  23. Silly Anders, that's not a horn, it's a giant leach!
  24. Seeing the new contest, I started thinking: did I ever get my schmuck prize? I can't find that I ever posted anything and certainly my emails don't have anything, but something in my head says I might have. Jim, did you ever get yours?
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