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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I see the same thing. I thought if it wasn't approved you didn't see anything. That's how the other gallery works.
  2. looks very good. I only suggest making the axe blade curved, since technically axes don't work unless they have curved edges.
  3. I can see the appeal of the other two, though it is limited - better paintjobs needed. The wasp on the other hand is fantastabulous!
  4. Apparently it's still set on moderation because my comments aren't showing up. Someone took the motto "everything in moderation" too seriously.
  5. Glad it has been figured out. Of course now the commentary on the water wizard is SOOO stimulating.
  6. I kind of like both the pirates, but pirates are starting to get old. My only qualm with the elf is that her sword is too big and makes her look off balance. Maybe if she'd still had her original proportions she would have balanced better....
  7. Nope. Cache and history cleared, IE, "logged in as vincegamer" appears at the top, but when I hit submit, the page refreshes and my comment isn't there.
  8. I'm logged in, I'm using IE. I just cannot leave comments either quick or post under any images in the gallery.
  9. Much coolness! Skinny like a rat ought to be. [edit] me thinks the nutcracker is about to get his nuts cracked.
  10. Hate the mantis warrior. Pirate sophie is cute but looks a bit short for sophie. I'd lose the parrot too. Half-ork pirate is worth a laugh but not much more. (silly pose) Don't know what a reven is, but if you need a reven standard bearer he's fine. Dislike the survivor's pose also. The spider demon is head and thorax above the rest. She's fantastic. (thumbs nose at all the julie guthrie haters)
  11. Jim, I think there's some filigree on the face. Like some kind of face jewelry. I like the skirt a lot though she's a bit busy for my tates above the waste.
  12. I had a problem with cut and paste a while ago. I think I was using IE. I couldn't paste in a large amount, but when I tried with one or two lines it worked okay. Haven't had that problem in a while, but haven't tried lately. [edit] I am unable to leave comments on pics using "post reply" button either.
  13. For the last couple of days I have been unable to leave quick comments in the galleries. I type it in and click submit. The page refreshes, but my comment isn't there.
  14. Doh! my mistake. I saw the pic here and thought it was similar. To a degree I stand by it though. Having now thoroughly examined the Rezolution line I will say there is some utter crap and some gold nuggets. The non-humans I still think are best, but there are some super cool humans in there too.
  15. I just can't believe he didn't paint her up as the St. Pauly Girl.
  16. Cryx do look right scarey. Hate the storm lancer horses. No horse could move under all that metal. The other cav have better horses but worse riders.
  17. I'd like them better if they didn't go so far overboard with the tusks.
  18. Some of the ninja look cool. I wish for bigger pics. I'd especially like to get a better look a bell-bottom ninja girl. p.s. I've said before: usually not impressed with their humans but their robots and aliens are super.
  19. Very nice. She's some sort of short person, right? Now where can I get a pink holster?
  20. Hate to say it, but Reaper produces minis for gamers. There are only so many ways you can do "fighter in chainmail with broadsword." Maybe if the games were more diverse the minis would be too. Plus I like Reaper.
  21. Like the helmeted female head, but that's it. The fem would be nice but the filigree fairy sneezed all over her.
  22. Nice. I like that he put them all on the same bases. (I hadn't seen the Skinnies before. I like them , though not as good as the one on the old AH RH's Starship Troopers game)
  23. bleh bleh and shows potential, but still bleh
  24. I wouldn't have noticed it without you mentioning it, but it does seem odd that these 2 very different minis are in exactly the same pose.
  25. Let me see if I get it. It's a baby dryad/treeman monster, petting a ferret and with a robin on its hand? Sort of Song of the South?
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