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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I like the ninja too. I'd cut that thing off the back of her head though. Guess they thought we couldn't tell she was female if she didn't have long hair. A ninja wouldn't have some long dangly uncontrollable thing hanging off her costume that could accidentally give her location away.
  2. that would be a conversion contest. Unless you agree that "black is not a color" I could see painting a mini using nothing but black paint....
  3. Agreed. I often only use 4 colors. Of course, I think you have to have at least black and x. That way you can shade the piece.
  4. Dammit! Now I have to get him just to do that conversion!
  5. More impressive than a lot of Fenryll stuff. Really like the angel of light.
  6. Aren't these the same amazons that have been available from Fenryl for years?
  7. Kass looks good. Wonder how hard it would be to remove the flowing cloak thingy. Olivia and B'Thul look good too, just not my thing.
  8. please tell me you paint minis with that brush. I've been using a #9 on my latest mini, but your brush dwarfs my 9.
  9. I've gone camping for a week with 2 others (plus loads of camera equipment for a job they had later) in a 73 vw beetle. It's all in technique.
  10. Sounds like a good plan. Doesn't say they will stop producing unpainted does it? I think the market can take quality prepaints.
  11. Hey there! make your own thread. This one is about Eric.:tongue2:
  12. I am jealous of you prius drivers. Couldn't afford one so had to settle for a Toyota Camry. Of course with the highest gas prices in the country, you could be making it up.
  13. My first glimpse of the artwork made me think it was Gorey.
  14. OOOOOH! It's a kid in a bunny costume! Now That's Cool!
  15. Perhaps it's intended to replace those funny knob-topped tapered playing pieces from old board games? Don't get the belly swirl or back sores.
  16. except mind games of course :laugh:
  17. I don't have a game group. When I get the chance I will play Dune, Magic Realm, or Kingmaker and a few other old classic Avalon Hill games. Currently I play Magic Realm by email or solitaire. I like games that are not predictable and that have a minimum of luck. Dune is probably the best example of a game where luck is almost completely eliminated, and at the same time one that is unpredictable and doesn't unduly favor the human calculator types. Every random element is softened. For example, there is a planetary storm that moves a random amount around the board each turn - but the Fremen know exactly where it's going. The cards are drawn off the top of the deck face down to be bid on by the players - but the Atreides can see what the cards are before anyone bids. There are no dice. If I'm lucky I will be able to convince some people to play tonight.
  18. Both are great, but I think the cyclops would have been funnier if the weight on the end of the maul were painted black with the the words "6 tons" in whilte letters.
  19. Oh. That actually helps explain some of the body proportions. That is one manish face though, what with the cleft chin and all.
  20. Having painted one or two white horses, I can say you've tackled the job well. Given the specific colors you pulled it off. I might have made the hooves a bit pinkish, like pale pink nail polish myself.
  21. True enough. Comparing the close-up with the box image shows some differences. I agree with Mclimbin about the weapon. The woman front right on the box appears to be guiding a plane along the runway.
  22. Could it be that his eyes are so wide-set they are practically where his ears should be? Speaking of which.... Or could it be that his right elbow seems to be about 3 inches from his right shoulder? Or perhaps that the right side of his face is much longer than the left side? I know! It's that the globe in his left hand is exactly the same color as the glove, making it look like he has super-stubby fingers! Was I too harsh? Don't care for him at all (at least beyond the superb painting). The bone guy is quite nice though.
  23. I see at least one of your paintjobs up in the gallery too.
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