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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. Vike, you could always cut off the guns and replace them with peanut-butter/bannanna sandwiches. I like the elvis and the Cthulu/Ganesha thing is nice. Those are some starved and sickly looking elephants though.
  2. I know it appeals to some, but I am so totally uninterested.
  3. The real reason prices go up: we're not making enough profit. That's the real reason for everyone. Nothing wrong with that.
  4. Oh, I thought it was obvious to Dune fans. In Dune, the Bene Geserit have a certain power.
  5. Man, why did they have to kill Lady Jessica? Now she can never give birth to the Quizzach Haderach. (raise your hand if you have any idea what I'm talking about) Has everyone seen it now? Cause I'm going to start talking about it. Loved Sylar. Don't know why his abilities aren't supposed to work in that room, but he warned Glasses man and they didn't do anything about it. ("I know how things work" - clearly he knew how the room worked and knew how to get around that) Why he was resistant to Eden I can't say, but I still don't know why the dad was. Eden said "if the Hatian could talk..." but then he does. Why is he making everyone think he's a mute? So someone here seems to have predicted it right about the radiation guy. I like how he dreamed all the heroes, even the ones he hasn't met. But why did he dream Isaac's girlfriend? Okay, enough for now.
  6. Anyone remember the old card game "Water Works"? This would make an awesome 3-D version of that game!
  7. That's not debating. That's just throwing out facts. I don't know what the percentage is so I assumed it was 100, as I explained. Whee, arguing!
  8. Yes, but those things are not affected by the increase in the price of Tin. I think the argument is that the minis should only increase by the increased cost of the tin, which would be in fact less than 2 oz since they are not entirely tin, but let's say 2. Because tin at 70 cents is twice what it used to cost, then the cost of the average human sized mini should increase about 35 cents.
  9. Nice of them to give a detailed explanation of why they did it.
  10. That woman thing is like a Giger wet dream. I like the dwarf bots without the dwarves. The rest is just Rackham, and I'm not a fan.
  11. Christmas Kwanza Chanukha Winter Solstice It's the Christmakwanzachanustice spirit!
  12. I put lights all over my patio. I live in a condo and I think I may be the only one who does lights for Christmas. Every year we buy one more string of lights or other lit-up decoration, so the patio is beginning to get crowded. My family and my wife's family each live several hundred miles from us, in different directions, so instead we throw an annual holiday party for any of our friends who are local. (and if you happen to be in the DC area December 16, PM me.)
  13. That looks like a cool mini, but yeah, I couldn't stomach the cost. Okay, I'll do a review of some minis I bought but haven't yet painted. BIG CITY PD by Tactical Miniatures They are the same scale as the mass of stuff out there, though they seem smaller (I got Kage Dar at the same time and the cop with pistol is exactly the same height). I think it's because they aren't bulked out. They have fairly realistic proportions for people who are fit but not weight-lifters. The detail is really very good. Each one has a distinct face and hair style. Each has a pistol, flashlight, handcuffs, hand radio and extra ammo clip on the belt. The chevrons and shields are sculpted on the shoulders, which makes it easier to paint but isn't really a good thing in my mind because I prefer to freehand. There are mold lines and some minimal flash. The lines are small though and should file easily. On the lunging cop it runs down the center of his face, which is unfortunate, but still filable. Overall I am really pleased with them, and will be painting them up soon. My sister is trying to be a cop so if she gets in, I'll paint the female cop and give it to her.
  14. Didn't look at all the pics, but that crawly MAGHARIBA GUARD mech is awesome.
  15. Lichen effects are good, but vine bad. Think about how a vine grows on stone. How does it attach? How does it actually grow? That vine just looks wrapped around, not grown there.
  16. No, the little girl who was hiding under the stairs when we first meet the cop and the FBI agent.
  17. Again, I don't think Sylar knows when something isn't working in someone's head. He would have been able to detect Peter, Hiro, the Cop, and probably even the Hatian, and he would have got the right cheerleader in the locker room. He was totally surprised when Clair got back up after he slammed her into the wall. p.s. I'm still wondering if the little girl has powers.
  18. True. Not only do they all begin to develop powers at the same time, but they also all develop that tattoo at the same time. I'm not buying the whole genetics thing. I mean, Suresh followed genetic markers to identify these people. He had to be doing a hell of a lot of genaeology. Anyone else not trust that Indian guy who tried to talk both Suresh AND Mohinder out of following the pattern to the supers? I think he knows something. For one thing, he totally lied to Mohinder about the kid. He knew about the kid already.
  19. Hasslefree is definitely a top tier company in my mind. Crap! I just realized she'll be perfect for this diorama I have been planning! Girl #2 has been hard to find. I hope she's out soon.
  20. I listed the episodes identified on IMDB as having Ando in them. For some reason he's the most updated of the actors on the show. I think he's supposed to be the next big star. Funny that he's not one of the supers. Anyway, according to IMDB on him, he's still got these episodes coming: Fallout (1 December 2006) - Ando Masahashi The Fix (31 December 2006) - Ando Masahashi Godsend (1 January 2007) - Ando Masahashi So technically there is next week and 1 more episode before the new year, but actually, why would there be an episode 12/31/06 and another 1/1/07? 12/31 is a Sunday. Odd. Come to think of it, 12/1 is this Friday. Something is not right with IMDB's dates, or they are going to screw up the timing of the program. Oh well, doesn't affect me as I watch it on the web site anyway. [edit] One more thing: interesting back story on Nicki/Jessica wasn't it? At least we know who Jessica is now. Just how or what will become of her we'll have to wait and see.
  21. Those look like some very fun minis. I especially like the bucket guy. Bianca though - come on, who wears sandals with a pants suit?
  22. Well, Hiro could not prevent her from going to work that day, since Ando met her. So I'm assuming Sylar got her brain. I do wonder what he's doing with the brains. He and Saresh figured out that the key to the power was in the brain so he's taking the brains and somehow taking the powers. Could be eating them, but that's a bit simplistic. I think he's somehow turning them into a device. Making a watch out of brain parts that he can use to manipulate the powers. Juts a wild theory. I don't think he can sense the power in someone; that the telekene was "broken". He went after the wrong cheerleader after all, and apparently didn't know that Peter had powers.
  23. Hey, why does Peter have dreams about his brother's powers? He has been doing that a lot, long before he realized he had powers. It's like every time Nathan flies, Peter dreams it.
  24. Don't care for the gun, but to barrels. The Kendo mask makes me laugh. He needs a bamboo sword to go with it! Other than that I like it mucheses.
  25. Oh, absolutely! The pixie look is hot.
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