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The Honeypot Casino Chronicles


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So game 2 was against Rory with viks crew. This game was corner deployment and the strategy was reckoning.


For this game I took the following:



- Endless Hunger

- Wanna see a trick

- Woke up with a hand

Hungering Darkness

3 Illuminated

2 Beckoners

Mr Graves


My Schemes were Distract and framed for murder on my female illuminated.


Rory took the following


Vik of Blood

Vik of Ashes

Freikorps Librarian


Convict Gunslinger

Student of Conflict

2 Ronins


Rory also took distract and apologies but I can;t recall the other scheme.








I deployed again with a view to shunting the Hungering Darkness up the board to begin the reckoning. With a smaller group of 2 illuminated and a beckoner further up the board.


Rory deployed as follows




Turn 1


Rory won the initiative and moved the Convict Gunslinger forward trying to get in range. In response the beckoner closest to Lynch moved forward and lured the Darkness towards her, he was subsequently pushed further forward by Graves after a ronin was moved forward.


Most other models from both crews were warily advancing to the centre of the board but then my second beckoner activated and pulled the convict gunslinger forward and therefore into charge range of the Hungering Darkness. Vanessa activated and used her ranged attack to cause a few wounds on the Darkness. He then charged the Gunslinger and disposed of him swiftly. Crucially, the henchman vik was also in his melee range.




Turn 2


Rory won initiative in this round and activated the Vik but couldn'tcharge the darkness so had to spend an action moving forward in order that she could strike him. With an upgrade that meant her attacks ignored incorporeal she got the darkness down to just a couple of wounds. In response the Darkness activated and did likewise. A Ronin peaked out from behind the trees and shot at Mr graves who was stood ominously in the backline.


With the Darkness having activated and an overwhelming desire to kill the henchwoman viktoria I though my best bet was to pull her closer to Mr Graves so a beckoner did just that. It should be noted at this point that Rory was flipping some terrible cards and as a result had also blitzed through the majority of his soulstones on healing flips and the like.




The master vik advanced to the left of the HD, and I moved my framed for murder target forward towards her. The librarian activated and performed some healing shenanigans which seemed to assist the gravely wounded Vik. Graves then charged at the henchwoman and managed to kill her. This freed up the darkness from melee which meant Vanessa was able to finish him off with ranged attacks.


My last illuminated on the left flank ran forward as quickly as possible. With the other ronin and student moving cautiously into position.


Turn 3


Master Vik charged one of my illuminated - unfortunately not my framed for murder target - and managed to kill him.  I was able to charge her in return with my other male illuminated and cause a good few wounds. A ronin moved forward and shot at my female illuminated but her armour meant she didn't suffer greatly. A beckoner activated and gave that Ronin brilliance. Vanessa attempted to shoot the illuminated that her sister had and managed to cause a few more wounds. I walked the illuminated forward into melee range of the Ronin and she was subsequently charged by the second ronin. Despite me recycling aces in cheating  down my defence flips the Ronin was unable to kill her. Note to self - never again put frame for murder on an illuminated.


The second beckoner was able to lure the remaining viktoria past my lines and subsequently gave her brilliance and caused a couple of more wounds.




With the Librarian trying and failing to heal anything it allowed me to charge the master with Mr Graves who finished off his second Vik. With the student proving ineffectual it was time for Lynch to activate and wake up with a hand. With three aces in hand I wanted to ensure that I succeeded in Reckoning this turn so after moving forward and shooting the ronin without brilliance and being succesful on giving her the condition, he played for blood and then finished his activation by dropping three aces on the table instantly killing the ronin closest to him and ensuring I get a point for the strategy.





Turn 4 & 5


In truth turn 4 & 5 were spent with us all piling in and distracting and undistracting each other as pictured here.




As the game finished I had succesfully distracted two of Rory's crew and he had distracted one of mine. Which together with the earlier reckoning success meant a win for Lynch.

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My final game of the tournament was against Euclid who was the henchman running the tournament. He was running a Von Schill crew. As this was only my 8th game of Mark 2 (and three of those games were against the Hoff) It was another master I was unfamiliar with, having only oreviously faced Mr Schill when he was a resurrectionist   ;) .


The strategy was squatters rights and I took exactly the same list as in my previous game. Scheme wise I went for Deliver a Message and Assassinate.


Euclid took protect territory and assassinate and his crew comprised of:


Von Schill


Freikorps strongarm

2 Freikorpsman

1 Freikorps trapper

1 Ronin




Before going further I think the table we were playing on is worthy of a photo itself.




Turn 1


Turn one mostly comprised of us moving our crews forward towards the centre line. I used as many movement tricks as the crew allowed simply to minimise the delays that would be encountered by moving throught the hazardous swampland. The Freikorps trapper however was in a position to get a beckoner in his sights and managed to get through on a straight flip at which point the Redjoker was cheated in and the Beckoner was no more.


Turn 2


Moving the hungering darkness forward I used heed my voice to have the trapper retreat and advanced an illuminated and Mr Graves towards the marker on the right hand side of the table with the illuminated claiming it for his own. Joe had the strongarm move up to get into a position to head them off.




My other two illuminated were able to get inside the building at the centre of the table trying to remain in enough cover to avoid the trapper, claiming another marker.


His Ronin advanced with a view to claiming the marker on the left side of the board and the trapper shot at the darkness taking off a few wounds. At that point Bishop decided he didn't need any upgrades and as a result had 4 general AP. Charging the darkness and managing to kill him after the red joker made it's way out in the damage flip. Bishop then claimed the central marker.



Turn 3


Although I won the initiative for the turn I was very reluctant to charge Bishop with the defensive trigger available to him but in the end my female illuminated charged and took out the mercenary with greater ease than I had anticipated, taking advantage of a hit with the flay trigger.




With a freikorpsman advancing and Bishop moving in behind, I made a critical error in moving Lynch slightly too far forward with a view of trying to get into position to spread some brilliance via play for blood etc but Von Schill was in range after discarding his upgrades for further AP and once in melee with Lynch it was all over for the gambler.


The Freikorps strongarm also charged Mr Graves and damaged him severely. In response a beckoner was able to put brilliance on the strongarm and Graves and the illuminated were able to respond in kind.


Turn 4


Winning initiative and with my female illuminated in melee range of Von Schill it took a 2 interact action to deliver the message and then healed a few points of damage. The strongarm activated and killed Mr Graves after which my beckoner replaced his lost brilliance and walked forward to prevent it from dropping off again. Von schill charged the last unengaged illuminated in the tower and thus began a long and extremely undeadly melee scrap which lasted until the end of turn 6.


The illuminated engaged with the strongarm was then able to finally kill the brute.


Turns 5 & 6


The remaining Freikorps crew set about dropping scheme markers for protect territory all while my remaining illuminated lost their deadly edge and were unable to succeed in killing Von Schill.




It was the fastest game of Malifaux I think I have ever experienced as we had rattled through all six turns with a good half hour left of our alloted time. The final score was a 10-5 loss. 





Things I Learned


I learned a lot from this tournament. Firstly, and most importantly, was that I still really enjoy malifaux and my reservations regarding the changes between editions were entirely unfounded.


On a more practical level though, I really need to get to know the schemes and strategies better and come up with a way of being comfortable splitting up Lynchs crew for those strategies and schemes that require being split along the center-line or that require some fast minions such as power ritual. I am due to get another game tomorrow in which I think I will try to take line in the sand just with a view to practicing such scenarios.


In other friendly games I manage to get I may also ask for consent to try unusual combinations of schemes. It has made me see why there are a few people that like terror tots as scheme runners but I still feel that I should be able to acheive them without going for such an unthematic crew selection.


Although, it didn't need learning, it re-inforced my opinion about the qualities of the illuminated. They really are absolutely terrific.


I also learned that I cannot rely on my memory for battle reports and as such better notes will be taken for future games to be reported on.



Also, despite the two losses, I didn't leave the tournament empty handed as there were small prizes available for most melee, shooting, and casting kills so I did get to take home a little trophy all the same.





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Mr Graves

An 8ss enforcer with a very respectable 9 wounds and lots of abilities to make him slightly more resilient than your average heavy hitter, Mr Graves also has a few other tricks up his sleeves.

He is a Nephilim, Darkened and a Mimic.


Black Blood, Hard to Kill, Armor 1 and Ruthless

As stated, above, Mr Graves' abilities all just make him that little more resilient and trickier to deal with.

Attack Actions

Graves' standard Fence Post attack action has a healthy MI of 6 and a damage output of 3/4/6. Triggers include crushing strike, giving a + to the damage flip for each ram in the attack duel total.

Also, on a mask - which Graves has built in to his attack - he can give a friendly Mr Tannen within line of sight the harmless ability.

Graves also has the Show ya the Door action which can allow him to push a target within his melee range 6 inches and then allows graves to push into base contact. The use of this action to get a turn 1 or 2 speed boost for another of your crew is well established. Remember that it can only be used once per turn on friendly models. Also remember that as it is a push you can use it to skip past any difficult terrain getting in your way early doors.

The attack has a trigger where on a ram you can take a fence post strike after succeeding.

Tactical Actions

Keeping the Peace

A 0 action, where on a flip of a 5 of masks or higher, enemy models which declare a charge within 6 inches must pass a TN13 WP duel or the action fails.

Always worth an effort if an enemy is nearby as Graves has no other 0 action competing with it. Also it's worth noting it is not just charges targeting Graves himself, but any charge within his aura no matter the target.

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Bear in mind that if you have 1ss and an upgrade slot free, Graves is one of the few models that can benefit from the addict upgrade, where, if he is in los of the upgrade holder, he will gain + to attack and damage flips against models with the brilliance characteristic.



Nope. He can't. It's on friendly Minions and Graves is an Enforcer.

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