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need help building a nature themed Lilith list


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I've been playing Lilith at 50ss as nephilim leader for a while now and would like to make a crew more nature themed so I want to run her with a couple waldgeists. I'm not against including nephilim I just don't want the majority of the crew to be them. I would appreciate any suggestions. I don't want to run bad juju because he's really zoraidas pet.

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Nature is probably more difficult, but Swamp would be easy enough, add in Silirids and Juju, Guups and spawn mother or some variety of them.  Juju hits stuff, guups are sacrificial good for bringing a Dead Juju back somewhere. Silurids can get objectives quickly, or Tots can if you mix the lists, but silurids can also get to good locations die to spawn a new Juju if he is dead quickly :) (when i used him he died every turn after the first, but hurt a lot of stuff :P)


Not sure what else there is for Nature or Swamp beyond what i mentioned:




Bad Juju


Spawn Mother


But a decent list can be made from them and Nephilim if you practice with them :)

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I tend to use Silurids, Waldgeists and tots together depending on what strategy/schemes I need to achieve. If Breakthrough/Plant Evidence/Line in Sand comes up I'm taking Tots and Cherub to get the (0) interactions to place more schemes.


Silurids are there to help grab objectives, leap out of the way or leap onto objective, next turn interact, leap, interact.


Waldgeists are there for cover generation and the huge melee range they can offer.


Have yet to use Juju as I don't like the current model but will pick up the new plastic Zoraida set.



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Bad Juju is an absolute beast. I'm excited to try out a similar theme next time I get Lilith on the table. 



  Ups: The forest generator one, the lure, avatar one or sword

Bad Juju

   Eternal Fiend (Or whatever his immortality one is called...)

Some Waldgeists, Some Silurids, and something for Lilith support: Black blood shaman or lilitu for more lures. 



Juju is a front man. He's hard to kill, he's easy to bring back, and his landslide ability is really very strong. A bargain once at 8 stones, a steal for 10 with a resummon.



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If Lilith is taking the Avatar, she might not need the lure, since it gives her a similar effect in her Avatar form. But that list is otherwise very similar to what I was thinking.


Bad Juju also can become a really scary damage zone for enemies if you give him Fears Given Form, and have a Cherub around to give him an Aura of Hazardous Terrain. He doesn't really care about the damage he takes from it (since Hard to Wound and Regen mostly cancels it out) - and will even be immune once Lilith Manifests. She then flings him into the enemy lines, and they have to deal with his Landslide, Fears Given Form, the Terrain - and the fact that if they kill him, he'll just come back later.


(if you have a Shaman, you can even give him Black Blood for even more AoE punishment.)

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I've been loving Mr. Graves- He's got both a friendly and enemy push-


"Show 'em the door" On Lilith early game to give her 6" (and him) 6" of movement or more. Then mid to late game, he can use it on the enemy to push them back towards lilith and (if he's got the suit) make an attack, and then prompt a Lilith or other pounce attack (if you've got the models/upgrade). Give you more mobility early game, and some aggressive push late. He's also a good target to get up field and then use the character swap ability. 


You could also hire in performers instead of Oiran if you wanna go the merc route- they've got siren call which is pretty good as it can paralyze, add poison, or do poison damage- mix with a couple poison dealing models (Maybe a weaver widow, Lelu, or (oh Idunno) Spawn mother, Gupps, or Silurids) to make their poison a little more scary. Added benefit, their death turns into a reactivate for a friendly minion.



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Heh, Might just have to. The normal plastic for when I'm running her as a grow, the scythe alt sculpt when I run her with wicked blade, and that one when I'm playing the plantz game. :P




This.  This is the best idea.  Plant Lilith for plant list.

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