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Malifaux solid Scenery


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Hello everyone!

I'm opening this topic because I'm in need of informations ^^

As we would like to have appropriate scenery in our store to run malifaux games the best we can, I was searching the internet to find something.

I saw the terraclips sewers and other stuff, but as we have a lot of " young customers" i would be afraid of paper things, cause damage is relatively inevitable.

Do you have to recommend any product that can be good?

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TerrainLinx is thier print on demand system which can be as durable as you willing to make it.

But soooo much work.

The Gale Force 9 - Battlefield in a Box line is great. Just stay away from the Flames of War stuff as that's out of scale, but some of the Fantasy stuff works (like the huts) and they're trees, rocks, gothic ruins, swamps, rivers........all that kind of stuff is awesome.

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Other options not yet mentioned

Pegasus has a line of plastic gothic buildings which are affordable and super durable. They work well for the city itself. They also have some walls and a pre-painted modular river that's about 4 feet long for under 20 dollars. Some of their other offerings like the

Amera plastic moldings are also inexpensive, though I would recommend filling any of the larger hollow hill type pieces with spray foam insulation to increase the durability.

Renedra offers a plastic church and creepy barn kit, as well as plastic fencing kits.

Armorcast has a lot of terrain features (rivers, swamps, rocks) as well as buildings which would work well. Check out the "In the Hollow" line under fantasy for wooden structures that would work well outside of Malifaux. Resin terrain, but can take a while to deliver.

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