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Hey-o from London (almost)


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Hi there!

My name is Eless, I live near London with my flatmate and a hyper cat.I got into Malifaux (and the hobby in general) in about March last year.

I tend to play Outcast and Gremlin masters (much Ophelia love!) but I've also picked up a Dreamer crew because gribblies are awesome.

And as this is starting to feel like a bad dating video I'll leave it there!

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Dark Sphere is an very awesome place - especially the new location. So much room for tables and stuff! Sadly it's about an hour by public transport for me to get there and as my unemployed at the moment, the cost as well makes it a bit too much to do on a regular basis.

There's not much of a Malifaux scene where I live sadly, but I might have to see if I can change that...

Thank you for the heads up on the Woking event though, I'll check that out!

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Dark Sphere is an very awesome place - especially the new location. So much room for tables and stuff! Sadly it's about an hour by public transport for me to get there and as my unemployed at the moment, the cost as well makes it a bit too much to do on a regular basis.

There's not much of a Malifaux scene where I live sadly, but I might have to see if I can change that...

Thank you for the heads up on the Woking event though, I'll check that out!

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