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Seamus vs Lilith 35ss


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Crew 1 (Me) Schemes-Breakthrough, Bodyguard (Bete)

Seamus- Haberdasher, Bag o Tools, Live in Infamy

Sybelle- Bleeding Tongue, Decaying Aura

Copy Cat Killer

2 Rotten Belles

Bete Noir

Crew 2 Schemes-Breakthrough, Distraction

Lilith- I know he picked the forest and double 0 action


Mature Nephilim


2 Terror Tot

Turn 1: Terror Tot sprints around the edge of the board, to get into position, Sybelle hides behind a building getting ready to pounce. Mature Nephilim moves up and glares angrily at the undead. Belle1 pulls him forward with a crook of her finger. LIlith moves up and tries to cast some forests, to no avail. Copy Cat jumps forward and unload severe damage into the mature nephilim and gets knocked back to where he started. Barabaros moves around some cover. Seamus takes careful aim and blasts the Mature nephilim back to whence it came. Bete pops up out of the nephilim's corpse. The last belle, cherub and terror tot move forward. Bete tries to carve up Barabaros and takes some black blood sprays for her trouble.

Turn 2: Lilith drops her forests and dashes forward to rip chunks out of Sybelle. Sybelle responds by attempting to lash Lilith, without success. A terror tot leaps forward and drops a scheme marker. Belle1 tries to pull Lilith away from sybelle and succeeds. The cherub moves up and attempts to lure bete away, and fails. Bete attacks Barabaros, does a small amount of damage and permanently dies for her trouble, (Denying me Bodyguard). Seamus fires at Barabaros, killing him and summons a bell from his corpse, then back alleys onto a building. A terror tot runs up to the same building that Seamus is lurking on. COpy Cat fires at Lilith and misses. Belle2 moves up and pulls the scheme dropping terror tot into melee with her, scratching it and taking some black blood spray.

(1 point for Seamus for Reconnoiter, none for Lilith)

Turn 3: Lilith goes first again, finishing off Sybelle and dropping her forest between her and the copy cat. Seamus back alleys to stand in front of the remaining terror tot and fire at him for a miss. The terror tot charges Seamus but doesn't do very much damage. Belle1 double walks way up the board, Terror tot that's engaged with belle2 tries to run away twice and fails. Copy Cat moves far away from Lilith, and the engaged belle2 scratches at her terror tot but misses. Belle3 moves up and pulls the Cherub to her, scratching at him but missing. The Cherub attacks, misses and then drops his hazardous forest on the Belle3.

(2 points for Seamus, 0 for Lilith)

Turn 4: Belle1 drops a scheme marker and lures the cherub to her and kills him with a bounce. Lilith high tails it after Seamus, Seamus kills his terror tot and summons a belle(#4), walks and drops a scheme marker. Terror tot engaged with Belle2 gives her a distract marker, she then finishes him off and moves to the scheme marker. Belle3 drops a 3rd scheme marker, and lures Lilith closer. I forget to move Copy cat at all.

(3 points for Seamus, 0 for Lilith)

Turn 5: Lilith moves up, kills Belle3 and drops a forest between her and copy cat. Seamus back alleys on top of his building, shoots Lilith wounding her pretty hard, fails his live for the pain shot. Copy Cat moves around the forest and finishes Lilith off.

(4 Points for Seamus, 0 for Lilith)'

Final Score:

Seamus- 4 points from Reconnoiter, 3 points from Breakthrough

Lilith- 0 points.


Belles + Seamus and Copy Cat's nasty damage potential are very hard for a low WP crew to deal with. From the very beginning my opponent was at a disadvantage and I was able to take out 2 very key pieces in the first 2 turns. Sybelle, I still have yet to make plays with her. In fact, I'm considering taking a different henchman with Seamus just not sure which one yet.

Bete would have been more awesome if she hadn't failed her bury action. Was a fun game for me, not really for my opponent but Lilith did absolutely trounce Nicodem a few weeks ago.

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When it comes to Sybelle, the way i use her, is not to let her "tank" anything. She is by far the easiest model to trigger instant death with, by using a ss to add the crow to her melee, and then cheat in a high card to hit. I have more than once massacred my opponent, by waiting with her untill last activation, when my opponent has no more cards in hand, and then instant killing his master this way.

Its allso very fun to spread Unnerving Aura upgrade on as many models as possible, so most models will allways take damage if enganged :)

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