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Yan Lo's Crew: My first ever crew + first ever entirely completed project!


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Hey Folks,

I've been playing 40k for awhile and only recently got into malifaux. During all my years in the warhammer world, I've painted things here and there, but have never fully completed a project before moving onto another, so I'm particularly proud of this achievement. Sorry for the pixelly pictures that eat a bunch of the detail, I don't have a good camera, yet! It furthermore won't let me upload pictures directly at this moment.



I've had nothing but good experiences with this game and am glad that after months of persistent nagging from a local guy (who just became a henchman), I was encouraged to buy in. The henchman guy has spent about $150.00+ of his own money to get the scene started around here fronting crews and buying raffle gifts for demo nights even before he was a Henchman. Sorry for the shameless plug, but I just feel I should express my eternal gratitude to Matt (you know who you are, if you frequent these forums). If you live in SLC, UT, do a facebook search and the thing should come up.

My next project is doing some moderate conversions and subsequent painting of the Carver for some fun candy scenarios.

Edited by Abbazabba1920
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Thanks again, folks! Looking forward to doing either Ramos or Perdita as the next painted crew. Not sure if they'll get the same kind of love as Yan Lo, but we'll see. <3 to all and especially to the designers for making such beautiful models. That's honestly what really attracted me to the game. The rules only solidified my interests!

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