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Plast Craft Old West terrain buildings?


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Anyone here seen or tried the Old West buildings scenery from Plast Craft?

I just ran across them, they're very inexpensive but I'm curious if the scale is a bit small for Malifaux games...? They say they are 28mm so I figure they should be close enough...

I want to make a ghost town style old west board and these are cheap enough that it is almost easier and better than making my own!

Any input is apprectiated...

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I believe there was a bit of a review of them on the 2nd to last episode of Malifools (the Spooner guest appearance one)

Failing that, wait for the PO Boys stuff to come out, it's by a guy on the forums that's just run a succesful Indigogo campaign. IIRC once the backers orders have shipped he's going to be working on bringing them to retail. (And if you think Plascraft is cheap, these will knock your sock off!)

Edited by Malal
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I liked the look of the plastiCraft stuff but I'm not currently planning on an old west style board. The pricing is pretty good. Right now I'm working on bayou terrain (when I actually get off my (_|_) and work on terrain, that is.) which pretty much means I'm making my own stuff.

Po Boys has dropped hints that Victorian style terrain is his next project. I'm waiting to see that with much anticipation.


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I liked the look of the plastiCraft stuff but I'm not currently planning on an old west style board. The pricing is pretty good. Right now I'm working on bayou terrain (when I actually get off my (_|_) and work on terrain, that is.) which pretty much means I'm making my own stuff.

Po Boys has dropped hints that Victorian style terrain is his next project. I'm waiting to see that with much anticipation.


Right on, I am planning to make my own stuff, balsa and foam core ghost town style... but when I saw these for under $5 each I couldn't resist the idea... a lot more simple than DIY!

I made most of my own terrain for 40k, and have plenty to play with for now... but I like the idea of a themed board for my upcoming Mali games... ;)

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plastcraft also have venetian themed houses for carnevale and asian style for kensei/bushido/ten thunders.

I have bought some from the asian line for my bushido board but havent gotten around to putting it together yet.

a bit pricey but looking very nice is the arkham manor from fenris games but its about 70£ also look at the microart terrain for volsung if youre going for a more victorian then western city look.

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It will probably depend on how much play money I can come up with in the next few weeks... if I can place another order at MM I'll pick up a few more game pieces and some plast craft buildings to try.

If not I may just go buy some balsa strips and make a few of my own...

I made an old west town with my dad when I was a kid... he bought this toy set that came with a cool little electric saw and all the balsa to cut, fit and assemble a small western town... hopefully some of those skills aren't completely buried...

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