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Sonnia and Reincarnation


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So, with Sonnia's box set coming up, I had a question for people that play her. How often do you find yourselves using Reincarnation? Will the three Stalkers in her set be enough with the usual Guild rotation of models from other crews, or should I be looking to get some more Stalkers?

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I would probably get another batch of them. I played with her last night and used all three pretty fast even though I only brought one to the game from the start. If you plan to use more from start and use the ability aggressively then you will need more than three...

I have the three Witchling Stalkers from last edition and plan to get the three new ones as well.

Just hope they will make a Samael Hopkins stand alone box, so I can get the new one. I am not a particular fan of the old model and the new one looks quite nice.

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Depends on play style.

If you want to get more than 3 on the table, you probably can. I faced her with the dreamer a couple of weeks ago, and she managed to summon 5 stalkers over the game. I only killed 4 stalkers. Re-incarnation isn't an auto pick, but if you are going that way you are probably going to have multiple stalkers to start with, and you can't always trust your opponent to kill them.

Personally I would try with the box set a few times, and see if your play style is going to pass 3 on the table. Most opponennts will be happy to let you proxy somethign else, or you could use your puppet war stalkers as they are tournement legal anyway.

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I have nine and last game I used her I used most of them, but I started with three on the board and the rest of the crew was focused on giving out burning. So yeah, it depends on play style but I would recommend at least one more group of them if you are planning on using resurrection at all. They aren't as good as they were in 1.5 but are still pretty solid and a reliable way of giving burning.

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I have nine and last game I used her I used most of them, but I started with three on the board and the rest of the crew was focused on giving out burning. So yeah, it depends on play style but I would recommend at least one more group of them if you are planning on using resurrection at all. They aren't as good as they were in 1.5 but are still pretty solid and a reliable way of giving burning.

Nothing, or at least most models, "aren't as good as they were" but actually, for me, when you look at the game as a whole I would argue in some ways they are actually better! yes their dispel magic is an upgrade, attack action and a 1 action but against crews like my zoraida crew, which relies on conditions if I am to use her offensively 3-4 stalker a are great-there's nought I can do. Combine this with negative casting and the sheer effectiveness of burning, especially in a Sonnia crew, I actually think they are as good as they ever were, better when taken in their parent crew...

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