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2nd Edition Hamelin and Collodi.


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I collected these two henchmen to play during the 1st edition, but now that the update has come out these henchmen are no longer have up to date cards. Yet I have seen people talking about how Hamelin plays in second edition. ( http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?48268-Hamelin-Discussions&p=641833 ). I'm really just confused as to where this information is, I haven't been able to find it and I would really like to play this edition without having to wait for Wyrd to bring out another book.

I already checked their store (and google'd it!) and unless I missed something I couldn't find a source for these two characters rules.

Edit: It's worth mentioning that I'm looking for the henchmen's cards, and the cards for their crew as well.

Thanks for any help.


Edited by Android089
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The 2nd Edition Book contains all models for what is referred to as Wave 1. This is slightly below half of all the models that were in v1.5 Malifaux. The remainder of the models (including Hamelin and Collodi) are part of an Open Public Beta. These models are in Wave 2. This is the link for this weeks (October 29,2013) update for the Wave 2 beta: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?48289-Wave-2-Beta-Update-10-29 This updates every week, and can be found in the Wave 2 Beta sub-forum within the Malifaux Matters section of these Forums.

It should also be noted that Collodi is now a Master (Henchman has a different connotation in M2e) and it should further be noted that if you mean Hamelin the Rat Catcher (Minion Hamelin from v1.5) he is one of two models that will not be making the transition into M2e (Minion Misaki being the other model) as these two models both have a Master incarnation (and the need to separate the two becomes annoying from a rules perspective hence why their lower stature versions were left out of the transition).

Hope that helps!

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