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Everything posted by Android089

  1. Thank you for the link. And yes I was looking for the henchmen (who is now a master) Hamelin, not the rat catcher one that I never saw anyone ever use.
  2. I collected these two henchmen to play during the 1st edition, but now that the update has come out these henchmen are no longer have up to date cards. Yet I have seen people talking about how Hamelin plays in second edition. ( http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?48268-Hamelin-Discussions&p=641833 ). I'm really just confused as to where this information is, I haven't been able to find it and I would really like to play this edition without having to wait for Wyrd to bring out another book. I already checked their store (and google'd it!) and unless I missed something I couldn't find a source for these two characters rules. Edit: It's worth mentioning that I'm looking for the henchmen's cards, and the cards for their crew as well. Thanks for any help. -Android
  3. I'm still pretty new with Ramos, but I end up using all of the individual bases. I bought the box set for Ramos and I've actually had to make paper cut outs until I can get more of the actual Steampunk Arachnids. In a regular game I end up with 1 Swarm of them and at least 6 individual ones (Because I cant resist spawning more in every turn) Hope this helps.
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