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Malifaux 2.0 Release


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A friend and i are considering jumping through the breach and start playing Malufaux. The problem is that i cant find anything saying 2.0 has been released yet. I found a couple of places online claimng to be selling 2.0 but it isnt listed on the Wyrd store. Has it actually been released or are the places i have seen lying and trying to sell me 1st edition as 2.0?

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The M2E rulebook is out (was released at gencon back in august), though demand is still pretty high so it can be hard to get. The plastic models may have new cards with them, or they may be old pre-release stock. You can tell if they have new cards, as there'll be an M2E sticker or logo on the box.

At the moment, Wyrd have got separate sections on the store for old (1st) edition and current (2nd) edition stuff. If it's in http://wyrd-games.net/shop/MALIFAUX-2nd-Edition/, it's new edition stuff. The stuff in http://wyrd-games.net/shop/MALIFAUX-1st-Edition/ is the old stuff. If you want a model that isn't out in plastic yet, that's the place to go.

The models from the old edition are still valid, but as was said they have new cards. Everything in the first wave of 2nd edition is in the rulebook, and also in the wave 1 arsenal packs for each faction. There's a list of contents of the wave 1 arsenal packs here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?46387-Aresenal-Deck-and-Open-Beta-FAQ

If something you like isn't in wave 1, it will be in the public wave 2 beta that's going on right now, so you can still try them out and have a hand in how they end up.

If you're just starting out, I suggest grabbing the rulebook and a fate deck (you can use regular decks but it's easier to have the malifaux suits on them), and playing a few games with proxies to get a feel for it. As more plastic boxes come out you can pick up a crew you like the look/playstyle/fluff/whatever of (or get the old metals and an arsenal pack if you prefer them, of course), and go from there.

Welcome to malifaux!

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Yeah, that's more of an 'isn't released... just yet' thing. They will be in wave two, after the initial kinks get smoothed out. I think it was said that this was so that the masters were balanced together before the avatars got laid on top.

They'll show up in wave 2, just not until we've got the first bit of tweaking well under way.

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A friend and i are considering jumping through the breach and start playing Malufaux. The problem is that i cant find anything saying 2.0 has been released yet. I found a couple of places online claimng to be selling 2.0 but it isnt listed on the Wyrd store. Has it actually been released or are the places i have seen lying and trying to sell me 1st edition as 2.0?

I just got my arsenal boxes and M2E rulebook last week from Miniature Market. All the reputable sellers will be selling the M2E stuff as of the beginning of October.

If you don't want to commit to a Master/faction and want to try things out by proxy, all you need is in the M2E rulebook and a deck of poker cards each. Once you decide on which masters you want to start with, then grab the arsenal deck and models for the appropriate faction. The longer you wait, the more likely it'll be that you'll be able to get the plastics for the models you're wanting, if that's important to you.


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