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terrain challenge


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Ok, gotten the "western town" down; and now need to challenge myself with something new. Was going do a swamp board but meh.. too common.

So what would you guys like to see done? Throw some ideas and Ill see what catches my eye to run with.


Also been thinking, to motivate myself to actually get something done...

Anyone interested in maybe an unofficial terrain building contest? Nothing fancy, just something to motivate us builders that was born natural procrastinators and give the community some eye candy.

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Whatever it takes. Just realized the other day that it's been nearly a year since I bought some items for a few different terrain projects and have started on exactly none of them. I aim to change that.

Then again, prior to the announcement of M2E, I'd made the resolution to paint all of my Wyrd minis prior to Gencon. That certainly didn't happen, either. I think paint on models needs to be my priority, with basing and terrain as something to break the tedium. Rotten Harvest may be the motivation I have been looking for.

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what about some graveyard terrain?

you could build up some rolling hills to provide some line of sight breaks, open graves and tombstones to navigate, as well as larger rich family mausoleum entrances. perhaps some burnt out broken buildings and damaged cobblestone streets (http://www.plastruct.com/Pages/OnlineProductDetail.lasso?-op='eq'&CCode=PS-81) makes that easy most model train stores carry their product.

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