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Templecon Events?


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Yes, there is a significant Malifaux presence planned for Templecon.

Silas Cordel (Matt Lotz) is planning to coordinate events. Last year was awesome with him and Inquisitor Wall running events in coordination. I expect this year to be the biggest yet. Stay tuned!

Not sure we can compete with the PP crowd, but we don't need to because we know where all the real fun is had....with us Malifaux-ers!

Make sure to book your hotel asap, they are filling up!

Oh and if you are looking for something in the meantime...please consider the Mali-fest on Oct. 5th in Watertown, MA. Here is the info link...


Not to derail the topic or anything. Templecon is going to be awesome though, such a great event, and its 4 days this year.

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Yes please check out Mali-Fest for something in the mean time! Tons of local fun!

::Now getting back on topic::

I'm excited for TempleCon! I've never been before, it took me till this year to realize it was in my own backyard of RI. I always assumed it was somewhere out west like all the other Cons.

I need to register but I certainly plan on attending. As a Hencher I'm hoping to try to help support Silas in some capacity but I'll certainly let him or someone else plan everything out. Also looking to get some games in as well.

Can't wait!

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