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Master equivalence, 1.5 to M2E


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I was pondering this through the open beta, and now the masters are set in stone I figured it was a good time to revisit it. This is a place to list where masters have changed, lost or gained, so people can build their old style master again if they want, or see what's new in their favourite.

This needs updating now the beta is over and changes have happened, so if people would like to post up changes and missing masters that would be handy...

I've listed things she can't get back as losses, new tricks as gains, and upgrades as replacing/granting stuff. If it's gone to an upgrade, I've not classed it as lost.

Lady J

Loses: fear not death, paired pistol, sword style - fate, blind justice, combat prowess

Gains: pursuit of justice, final repose (no longer a trigger), restore natural order (end conditions), juggernaught

Switches: Melee expert for 3rd general AP


Vendetta style - grant Unimpeded, replaces style - vengeance (always on)

Justice unleashed - replaces old restore natural order

Last rites (L) - replaces last rites, style - onslaught.

Inspiring swordplay - replaces inspiring swordplay

Flames of the pit - grants terrifying and immunity to horror duels to all marshals

I never used blind justice or combat prowess really. With last rites/flames of the pit/justice unleashed she becomes an undead wrecker whose whole fluff crew ignores horror. Inspiring swordplay/vendetta style//last rites makes her a one woman assassin, especially with her healing flip to help survive any retaliation.

Perdita Ortega

Loses: Evasive 2, Execute, Spellbreaker, Anticipation trigger

Gains: Runed Bullet trigger, +4" range, Relocate

Switches: Companion (old) - new Companion, Built in Ram for Crit Strike - New SS mechanic to add suit and gained Point Blank for built in ram in melee (.......actually increases her possible damage if in melee), Faster 'n You - the new Quick Draw, Quick Draw - Finger on the Trigger


Stubborn – replaces immune to influence

8" Aura +2 Wp for all family (including self) (Upgrade)

Bullet Proof +2 (Upgrade)

Ignore Incorporeal and Armor (Upgrade)

She actually has more than she did before. I rate the Companion Alpha strike pretty low - it's a newb tactic. I rarely companioned more than 2 models.....and never more than 3.

The bad-ass that is Francisco also just makes her better. She is also a pretty strong contender for Destreza Master (upgrade)...her high Df and her 'Point Blank' make her great in melee.

So'mer Teeth

+2 to Wds, -1 to Cg, gains damage on pig sticker but loses a little on boomstick

Loses: Come and Get It- no more discarding cards to get a Piglet (but still there)


Switches: Reckless - 3 Ap, Ill Fated - Quit Screwin Around, Pork Whisperin - Do It Like This, Good Ol Boys - Bayou Two Card, Gremlins Luck - Bigger Hat Than You, Dumb luck – thinkin luck


Dirty Cheater - replaces Woops, Sooey

Git Yer Bro – replaces Git Yer Bro

Take a Swig – replaces Take A Swig

Pull My Finger – replaces Pull My Finger

Burning Bag of Ick - new

Ancient Instincts - new

Show Off - new

As many have already said no more Pig Boomerang and his control of Pigs seems to be lost (possibly reappearing on Ulix) Overall he is better in Melee and more adaptable to whatever strategy you get. A whole ton of Bayous is where Somer seems to be happy, kill one and he gets cards, with Do It Like This he can control the triggers of the Bayous around him.


Loses: The Face of Death, Undead Psychosis, No Escape

Gains: Back Alley, Back Hand attack (High Ml, low Dmg) with triggers to attack again, or push out of Melee

Switches: Terrifying 12 now affects all, fast for general AP, womaniser (belles can companion though), Necrotic Ministrations for Feast of Fear, Hard To Wound 2 for Impossible to Wound


Sinister reputation – replaces Live for Pain, replaces trail of fear (range is decreased but is always on)

Bag o’ tools – replaces bag o’ tools but has Increased Damage, range, and Ml, replaces Slit Jugular, replaces Excessive Bleeding, grants Make it beautiful, To the Pain

Red chapel killer - grants Home ground Advantage and Distraction

Mad Haberdasher – grants damage reducing hat

Vik of Ashes

cache +1, -1 Df

Loses: body count, another one, sisters in victory

Gains: Blood lines (melee expert in LoS), Fate’s chosen, setting sun, east and west, dragon’s bite.

Switches: melee expert for 3ap, fates entwined is only healing


Sisters in spirit – replaces sisters in spirit

Sisters in fury – grants sisters in fury

Mark of shezuul – grants ignoring defenses

Synchronised slaying – grants accomplice to replace companion, sisters in battle

Howling wolf tattoo – grants death by 1000 cuts, comradery (should that be camaraderie?)

Vik of Blood (hench now)

cache 7, -1 Wp

Loses: Another One, Sisters in Victory

Gains: The Uninvited, Fate's Pariah, The Falling Star, The Lonely Path, Flight of Dragons

Switches: Fates entwined for henchman, melee expert now relies on sister


Sisters in spirit – replaces sisters in spirit

Sisters in fury – grants sisters in fury

Mark of shezuul – grants ignoring defensive traits

Synchronised slaying – grants accomplice to replace companion, sisters in battle

Howling wolf tattoo – grants death by 1000 cuts, comradery


-1Df, +2 Wds

Loses: Wicked, magical bisento, reckless, decapitate, ten thunder strike

Gains: Brutal sensei, thunder, deadly dance, feint, next target

Switches: Purchased loyalty for Infiltration (Avarice), melee expert for 3ap


Cutpurse – replaces pilfer (adding trigger for it too)

Untouchable – grants flickering bisento, replaces save face

Stalking bisento – replaces shadow, you’re mine (not fully)

Disguise – grants immunity from charges

She lost an AP and some killy-ness and gained movement defensive shenanigans

(Mako’s note: Also lost some old synergy with yamaziko due reckless change)


Loses: 3''charge, 1Wp, 1 Df, 1ss, brood mother, wicked, alluring, earthquake

Gains: Wicked Vines, sudden darkness

Switches: fast for 3ap basic, transposition for tangled shadows, -1Cb becomes :+fate if not charging


Living blade – grants free attack on models pushed to her.

Wicked Mistress - grants a lure style attack

Summon the Blood. – grants ability to inflict damage on friendly Nephillim for black blood effect.

Beckon malifaux – replaces illusionary forest, changed rules, grants instinctual.

Rapid growth (not Lilith only) – replaces blood from stone/drain blood

In general yes Lilith has lost a lot from her base card. Her stats have dropped and she has lost a lot of her defensive powers plus 2 of her utility spells. She has however gained a decent ranged attack and her remaining utility spells such as transposition seem slightly better now. With upgrades she can gain some nice new powers with wicked mistress and beckon the blood standing out as some nice tricks whilst the living blade synergises well with the ability of the crew to push models around.

(Mako’s note: see the original post in this thread for a more thorough analysis, I’ve summarised for space reasons)


Loses: 2ss, Expose Fears, The box opens, Unhealthy relationship, Dementia, Trapped in your own Nightmare

Gains: +1Df, +1:mask Wp, +2Wd, +1Wk, a Charge range of 4, Incite trigger, Inflict, Self harm

Switches:Fading memory now enemy only, martyr now afflict, emotional trauma now misery, casting expert for 3AP


The box opens (L) - Grants Terrifying all and an offensive spell that causes horror tests.

Voices (L) - Gives self harm/loathing the mental anguish trigger

Fugue State - Grants abilities to prevent enemy from achieving objectives.

Depression (not Pandora specific) – grants pacify to friendly woes

Cry for me – grants project emotions

Notes: Pandoras stats have generally gone up. She lost a lot of her powers but gained other abilities instead. Some of her lost abilities can be regained through upgrades. In general I'd say her cards read better and she has some interesting new options available to her.


Loses: 1SS, Bayou Two-card, Invisible Servants, Bewitch

Gains: +1Wk, Swampfiend, Dual Gremlin

Bewitch (same name as old spell but different effects)

Switches: Enthrall now Wp4 models as mercs, Regret trigger ends attackers activation, Bewitch changed, Casting expert for 3AP, Create voodoo doll for You remind me of the babe, Obey gets some changes, Repulsive gets changes


Hex - Same name as old spell but different effect. (0) spell that can inflict 4 effects on a nearby model.

Tarot reading: grants ability to heal the Voodoo doll and chuck scheme markers around.

Hexed among you – grants ability to deploy swampfiend minions further up.

Raven – replaces raven

Crystal ball – replaces crystal ball, automatically triggers and has 3 card control mechanics.

Notes: In general the voodoo doll behaves more like a hollywood voodoo doll now. Most of the really annoying to play against powers of her are gone (infinite range almost unavoidable conduit). Her basic card doesn't really give her much when compared to her old one but she has some really nice upgrades available to her for board control. The alterations on the doll make it a less a means of mind controlling an enemy model and more a means of killing someone off.

Ophelia LaCroix

Loses: 3SS, 3 Cg, Instinctual, Dammit Calm Down, Evasive 1, Feud, Bent Gun Barrel, Dirty Shot, Right Between The Eyes, Dumb and Lucky, Like Herding Squirrels

Gains: +2 Wp, +3 Wds, Reload, With My Eyes Closed, +2 Rg on Rough Rider, Plink

Switches: Reckless for 3 AP, Calculated Luck for Thinkin luck, squeal for second loudest squeal


Hooch Igniter, Jug Rocket, My Threatenin gun - extra guns that drop off and go on again, and an extra tactical action each

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