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Grow timing (M2e)



Quick question on the timing of the Grow action and how it interacts with things like exploding gamin/spiders and the Voodoo Doll.

If my Terror Tot kills a gamin, which explodes and would kill the Tot, does the Tot Grow into a Young and sacrifice itself before the explosion kills it or is it dead before it can grow?

Similarly, if my Tot is currently Hem'd by the Voodoo doll and attacks it and kills it, does it Grow into a Young before being killed by the voodoo curse?

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According to the "General Timing" rules the acting model resolves its abilities first, then the defending model resolves its abilities, then any other models controlled by the first player resolves its abilities then any remaining models controlled by the second player resolves its abilities.

Since rapid growth is an ability of the model the card is attached to (not a tot or young). It would resolve during the 3rd or 4th part of that sequence.

The tot vs gamin... Tot is the acting model it kills the gamin which is the defending model. The tot (acting model) resolves its actions (which do not include growing as that is the ability of another model) the gamin resolves its abilities (exploding and damaging the tot) if the tot is killed it is removed, if the tot lives the acting player other models resolve abilites (grow resolves here) then the defender resolves any other models. So in other words the tot dies before it grows.

The same goes for the voodoo doll and hem for the above reasons.

P.S. I don't have access to the final rule book at the moment, so this is coming from the timing rules in the final beta book.

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