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Finally sucked me in


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I played 2 or 3 demo games of the original Puppet Wars way back when with Steve (antizombie) and I loved it. I didn't have the money or time to invest and then I heard about the re-release in plastic so that had me wait as well. Money is always an issue and Malifaux has been my primary Wyrd love which hasn't helped.

Finally though the stars aligned and Miniature Market had a 50% off Wyrd sale so I managed to snag a copy of PWU for $35 which arrived yesterday! Now to begin assembling and painting all the little guys.

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the plastics are awesome. slightly bigger than the old metals, which helps make painting easier and improves details.

the directions are well done, and as a veteran gamer i found it all very easy to assemble.

however, the deathmarshall is the hardest model in the box to assemble. his lower body is 3 pieces,(4 if you count the tiny star belt buckle), that are held in place via the coffinon his back to the pegs on the pieces. I wanted the coffin glued on after painting, which meant i had to be real careful when assembling these guys that i didnt overdo it on the glue and end up with the coffin stuck.

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Yeah I'm a horrendous clumsy ogre when it comes to glue so I just assemble everything first and paint it after. I'm happier dealing with fiddly painting angles than trying not to get glue on what I've painted. I've got 7 of the puppets assembled, so far they're proving to be pretty amazing. To be honest, way better than the Malifaux plastics cause their tabs/joints are so much better keyed. I wish the Malifaux plastics went together this easy!

And I've seen the original metals, they're nice but yeah the plastics being bigger make for a much easier time painting.

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