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Resurrectionist Supply Wagon for Swedish Masters


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I thought I would share a project I have been working on for a couple of weeks. I loved the "Formaldehyde Nights" story from Wyrd Chronicles 6 and when my good friend Seregon announced that there would be a "Best Supply wagon" contest for the Swedish Malifaux Masters tournament I realized that I had to combine the two. I am very happy with the result, and as a bonus I ended up winning the contest. :)

Feel free to give any feedback.






Edited by Köttkäft
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Thank you all for the nice comments. :)

I thought I would add a few pictures from the construction of the wagon. The wagon itself is made out of plasticard and brass. The two Guild Autopsys recieved minor modifications such as repositioning of arms (and removal of weapons) and the right one got his coat shortened and frayed at the edges because it was in the way of the wagon.

Seb got new hands and a box with a crank on it and some spikes on top (hard to see in the pictures) and his bonesaw got a new grip built and places on the wagon. He still has the cable to connect it attached to his backpack.

Note that the positioning of the saw and severed arm changed in the final assembly. The arm is poking out from underneath the blanket (also not seen here) next to the coffin in the front. The cable going from Sebastians box to the back of the Autopsys heads is also not present in the pictures above.



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