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Possible synergies with Kirai?


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I'm a total newbie, just discovered Malifaux recently, but I'm excited to get started. I chewed through the official site and PullMyFinger and I am very interested in Kirai. She seems to be fun to play - might be a bit difficult as well, but that's not really the issue:

The thing is, that there are so many interesting fractions and non - spirit models, is there a way to synergise anything like that with Kirai or am I already doomed to collect multiple crews one day? :P

Thanks a lot!

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Kirai can be kind of isolated from the rest of the ressers anyway, mostly because she's so spirit dependent. We haven't seen what she's going to be like in the new version, but it's probably a safe bet that she's still going to want a large clutch of spirits to work from.

If you're interested in staying "in faction", the new edition has sort of helped with cross overs in her models. Nicodem has gained the ability to summon spirits from corpses this time out, so he could start summoning her stuff. Having said that, he's a support master still, so it might not be enough of a change to really interest you.

If you want to head out of faction, the question really becomes "what looks fun". I know when I started the game I originally came in with Dreamer (who has the same kind of limited selection problems in 1.0 that Kirai does) and picked up Nicodem mostly because the idea of an unstoppable tied of zombies appealed to me. I've been focused on ressers ever since :D

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The idea of sharing stuff with Nicodem is actually quite cool, but indeed, I'm looking for someone or something more straightforward. Probably, I'm still going to try this for fun. :)

I don't see many changes coming Kirai's way regarding spirits, but they might try to spice her gameplay up a little by opening towards other things...maybe something sacrifical could work with Datsune - ba's abilities?

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I actually think we might see some significant changes for Kirai. The only reason I say this is that many deemed her to have issues in 1.5 (of the OP or NPE variety based on her match up) and the devs have already shown a willingness to move characters in other/new directions as shown with the M2E McMourning.

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