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Malifaux in media

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The previous weekend saw the biggest non-commercial con in Europe, Ropecon, in Finland. We had a large skirmish minis games area with demos of Infinity, Eden, Heavy Gear, Dystopian Wars, Carnevale, a home-brew Cthulhu game, and, yes, Malifaux. Ropetus from these forums demoed Malifaux 2nd edition and the biggest newspaper in Finland, Helsingin Sanomat, did a story on minis gaming. The intrepid reporter saw straight away what the deal with Malifaux was and picked out a Rotten Belle for a close-up shot (the pic was a bit more conservatively sized in the actual paper - on the web it's kinda huge).


The caption reads:

"If a zombie prostitute like this were to come at you at a park, you'd be sure to get goose bumps. Game: Malifaux, which combines western, steampunk and horror."

Anyone else know of Malifaux stories or references in mainstream media?

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Was hoping the photo to end up in the newspaper would be a larger picture of the board we used to play on, with a demo going on, instead of a single miniature. I spent the last year building and painting western buildings. Guess I got to post some pictures myself (as soon as I get some from the guys with cameras).

Got in a bunch of demos in during the weekend. About a couple of dozen people were interested in the game and almost everyone gave positive feedback after the quick demo games. Quite a few people who had only played 1st edition came to ask about Malifaux 2e and it was generally well received. I didn't have the entire weekend to spend on demoing Malifaux since a friend had asked me to help run his home-brewed Call of Cthulhu investigation game. That one had a stunning terrain setup and I got to post pictures of that one too.

There was also a TV reporter from Finland's biggest commercial TV channel in the con and they filmed all our gaming boards. Ropecon was a topic on Saturday's evening news. The clip that ended on air focused on our Dystopian Wars board right next to the Malifaux table. So no Malifaux on TV sadly.

This must mean we have to prepare even more enticing terrain to draw more attention next year :P.


Edited by Ropetus
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Here in Spain exist a radio program (also in podcast) called "ojo al dado" who speaks about role playing games, miniatures, board games, fantastic and sci-fi literature... with many audience and relevance with editors and games creators

the made a few time ago a program talking about malifaux saying more less the same as you write in the first post "it´s a game wich mixed many ambientations to make a wonderfull result"

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