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Modeling apprehension


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Hi all,

I'm looking to get into this game with my wife, but we are both the type of people that we want our models to look as good as possible (especially since if we like it we have plans on pushing it at a local game store for more people to play with).

The apprehension I'm having is with the modeling. The only miniature experience I have is with GW products, and even then I've only put a few models together. These models are all metal correct? does that mean I have to figure out how to properly pin the models? Or will super-glue work good enough?

My second concern is with basing. I see that on the box they have the really nifty base inserts. Are these inserts included with the models or do I have to purchase them separately?

And as a final question, does anyone know where I can find all the sweet looking tokens I've seen in a few videos?

Thanks for the help!


hmmm.. Seems like I may have posted this in the wrong area. Sorry! I figured I'd put it here since I'm a newb and such. If it doesn't go here can someone have it moved?

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I think you have it in the correct (enough) place. :D

First up, yes, most of the Malifaux miniatures are metal. But not all of them. Any of the new 10 thunder stuff will be plastics. You can identify it pretty easily by the new packaging or look for the neat 3D rendered images of the models instead of the studio painted model to show it off. (does that makes sense?) If you have the books, anything from book 3 and back will be metal, book 4 is the switch to plastics.

With the metals, i found myself pinning just about everything, but not because i HAD to, more out of habit. There are several things that needed it, but more often than not, it would have been just fine to use regular superglue and leave it at that. With the plastic models, i would recommend using some kind of plastic glue instead of regular superglue. you wont need to pin anything for them as most have build in pins or some kind of slot to get the pose lined up correctly, and a plastic glue bonds it all together nicely.

With the bases, you can find all the available ones from Wyrd on their store. I love them all, and have used almost all of them, but they do not come included in the set (save one that does come in the viktoria's box, i think it's for Johan...) The other option (if you are so inclined) is of course to make your own bases. But if that's not your thing, Wyrd's are amazing.

Finally, and sadly, i'm not overly familliar with the tokens you're talking about. But i know on Malifaux.com in the downloads section there is a HUGE array of printable tokens that Ratty made. They are great to have around. Go check those out!

I hope this helps, and of course, Welcome to Malifaux! We hope you enjoy your stay!

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Some models are metal, most of what is brought out now is plastic. The new plastic one glue very well with liquid poly.

Bases.. Wyrd do a big range of metal inserts, the models come with just plain plastic bases.

I personally prefer resin bases, there are plenty of designs on the market.

Token? no idea, I printed mine from Ratty page and just cut them out.

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You can try advanced deployment for laser cut tokens. I haven't used the myself, but I have heard good things about them. There are many other similar products on the market if you look.


The others have pretty much covered your options for base inserts. I will just put forth that doing your own custom bases is not as hard as people often think it is. There are lots of tutorials on the web, and much of it is trial and error, but you pick it up quickly if you go for it.

Like Jewomie, I pin everything. Not necessarily because it needs it, but because it makes me feel better. I am a little OCD about it, to the point where I pin the things that most people look at me like I'm nuts for pinning. But, as mentioned, the plastics do not need pinning, particularly if you use a good plastic glue.

Welcome to the hobby.

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First, welcome to Malifaux! Second, the only thing I can add to the above is I haven't pinned any of my models. I'm new to war gaming and the idea of drilling a hole into one of the models I just bought still worries me a bit. Most of them have held. Fine, the only exceptions I can think of are one arm on avatar zoraida, and the sorrows for pandora.

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