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lucius hiring stuff


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Is may only the same as a negative?

Lucius special forces leader rule says he may only hire elite forces, guardsmen, totems

Trying to think outside the box a bit and find other things that could be interesting to try.

Malifaux raptor slightly worse than a guild hound but also cheaper. trainable says it can be hired by crews with at least one guild austringer regardless of faction restrictions.

Does ttrainable cancel out lucius hiring restrictions and allow them to be hired as long as an austringer is hired?

Just a thought.

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Don't think so, because it isn't a faction restriction, it's a Master restriction.

Besides, I think that Lucious is one of those Henchmen who really relies on his Special Forces, as so many of his abilities are tied to them. Hounds are Guardsmen, and trading them in for Raptors in a Lucious list (even if it were possible) would probably be more of a handicap than an advantage.

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I wouldn't want to trade guild hounds for raptors. The hound gives you a 2.5 point re-activate for Lucius that is Good at grabbing objectives, ok in Melee, and a target point for things like Cordon. As Neurofire suggested, the raptors would be more of a handicap than a help if you trade out dogs for em.

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Unfortunately like all henchmen lucius is limited to what he can hire. Dont allow this to deter or off put you. Taking guild guard is great. I like running really low point minions with him and having lots of them. I find that using him forces you to change your play style for each strat due to his limitations.

This can only make you a better gamer in my opinion? Plus with the new riflemen and pathfinder out now there is more choices :)

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Malifaux raptor slightly worse than a guild hound but also cheaper. trainable says it can be hired by crews with at least one guild austringer regardless of faction restrictions.

Also remember they are only 1 SS cheaper when hired in pairs since the hounds give you one SS back

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I really like the hounds they have multiple uses in every game. I guess I was just looking for something else to try and use.

Reading the replies got me to remember that they would be an even worse choice is that they are out of faction so would cost an extra soulstone and be 3 points where as the pair refunds that one point.

With no lucius benefits they would be an extreme hindrance to any crew or game played with him as master.

Better just stick with what works already.

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Malifaux Raptors don't get the bonus against Gremlins that Austringèrs do.

With 4 or even 6 hounds, you can see how effective the pack can be. Heavily armored targets still take a point of damage from each hit. Six dogs can hit 12 times. Even if you only hit 6 times, that's a lotta hurt.

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