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Starting Dreamer


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I do not see Coppelius in that list so you either didn't list him or you bought your models separately.

Only suggestion for point-capture strats/schemes is to get either Insidious Madness x2 or Night Terrorsx2 to exploit their Flock Together 0 actions to zoom across the board. If you can somehow split another Night Terror blister with someone else, a third Terror expands your movement from just barely halfway across the board to all the way in opponent's deployment.

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If that is wanting a simple crew to start learning the game with, go for Lilith first :)

Lilith - 6 stone pool.

3 terror tots -9

Mature nephilim - 10

Lelu - 7

Lilitu - 7

35SS list, nothing overly complicated in there, and should be relatively effective.

3 little, fast objective grabbers, 2 hitters, 1 control and Lilith herself.

If your specifically after a Dreamer list, going for 35 (is an automatic size for me to go to)

The Dreamer/LCB - 7 Pool.

3 Daydreams - 6

Lelu - 7

Lilitu - 7

2 Stitched together - 10

1 Alp - 3

As for the Dreamer, personally i am not big on the Insidious madness although giving everyone a negative on their Terrifying checks is fun :) But they are useful, relatively cheap, fast objective grabbers. Unlike Night terrors they will work as well on their own as with 20 of them, so good if you only need 1 objective model. And considering the dreamer can make all nightmares within 6" terrifying 12 i think, they can put up their aura which can be very nasty.

For Objectives i would get 4 Night Terrors (ressurectionist model that is a nightmare and can be taken by the dreamer) they come in packs of two, but you will see most people recommending three, which can be irritating, but they are fast, and a pain to kill, so are awesome for objectives. As they move in a flock with enough of them there will generally be one left for you to take objectives each turn.

Next model i like is Coppelius, as said, he should be in the starter box if you got that, as he has high Cb and an auto paralyze trigger with float wk 6 and mele expert. and several other ability's, whats not to love?:) - can do damage, but better at control.

Teddy - a great model to hit things with, but generally wont survive to many to many games, it seems to have a talent for dying, however with the dreamer you get to place it where you like, and kill something, then remove him from the board with a daydream/dreamer so it can survive a lot more easily with the dreamer:)

Widow Weaver - not to sure about her, seems to just be a summoner, but i have not used mine often before so can nto comment to well on her. Though the 1 game i used a proxy, i summoned three teddys (separately from the remains of thee previous ones) so can be useful in the right games:)

I can not think of any more nightmares you do not own, and with the dreamer i generally do not use anything without the nightmare characteristic, because it is so useful to have with the dreamer:)

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There's no really good way to support the Alps. The only way I can think of out the top of my head is to use the Dreamer's (0)Night Terrors to make them Terrifying in order to make your opponent flip more cards and increase his chances of failing, but that's probably not a good use of the Dreamer's time. (0)Inflict Dreams won't help since the opposing model isn't technically defending against the Alps (he's making simple duels against a target number).

Rather than try to support them, I'd recommend keeping them buried until you can put them all out around a model that hasn''t activated yet and is on low wounds. The threat will probably make your opponent burn cards to avoid Slow and get rid of some of them, and if he doesn't yo may win another Alp in the process. Rince and repeat.

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Sorry, i think that may have been poor phrasing by me there. An Alp alone will not do a lot, two together against an isolated model will do far more, so they love to gang up on models with a 1" mele range if i remember their rules correctly, as they take 2 WD for each strike (assuming 2 alps within 1" ) and with the Negative to WP, probably also are slow so wont get to make to many attacks:)

(0) night Terrors is a nice thing to make the model burn cards, but i find i rarely have the action spare for the dreamer to use that ability unfortunately.

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Sorry, i think that may have been poor phrasing by me there. An Alp alone will not do a lot, two together against an isolated model will do far more, so they love to gang up on models with a 1" mele range if i remember their rules correctly, as they take 2 WD for each strike (assuming 2 alps within 1" ) and with the Negative to WP, probably also are slow so wont get to make to many attacks

Sadly it is 1Wd for doing a Walk or Strike action with in range of one or more Alps, so you will not take 2Wds for taking a strike with in range of both.

Two Alps instead insure a few things, though three do it better. Odds are the model will be slowed, as a Negative Flip with Wp 12 test is not easy for many models to pass. Two negative flips is much much harder unless they are Zoraida, Sadir, or Levi. So that is 1Wd right there. Most models will have to make a strike to attack them, resulting in another Wd. you can also sit at 3" away and just wound them from the Slow and then another wound to get away from you or get to you to attack. If they don't have extra AP modifiers then they might not even be able to attack. At which poin the Alps can start trying to bother them. At that point if you can you Yawn if they are fast, disturbing whisper them if you can, Steal their breath if you have a 7+ crow, or swing at them in attempts to plink away at them.

Really they are more just a speed bump or a roadblock, as your opponent might have to divert other models to help the trapped model get free from the tarpit.

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