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Lucius as an actual henchman?


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Lucius can be viable in pretty much any crew depending on the strategy. I've used him in pretty much every game of treasure hunt and destroy the evidence due to his ability to launch things forward. This makes him a great companion for things like the Peacekeeper and Executioner. For me he works slightly better with Lady J but is still worth the SS in certain games with Sonnia too.

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I can second what Kadeton said. I don't play Sonnia, but i've taken Lucius with both Lady Justice and Perdita and had good results.

He is an investment though, make sure you give him some guardsmen to control otherwise you might find him a tad lacking. but if you make sure you have something with the guardsman trait, you will find him quite useful. =]

Good luck!

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Lucius is a great Henchmen and a workable master. His ability reinforcements is useful for lining up a strike. He can sacrifice a Guardsman to gain reactivate, gets a bonus to defense when near a guardsman, can potentially replace a bad card with a good card or get rid of a worse card, and can essentially obey guardsmen models to move or make a melee or ranged attack. However to get the most out of Lucius you need some guardsmen models (Guards, Riflemen, Pathfinders, Austringers, Captain, Ryle, or Lawyer).

Models that work well with Lucius

All Guild Masters, Guardsmen/Elite Division, Executioner, Sidir, The Judge (to less effect), and Samael Hopkins.

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Lucius is great for leading a crew. I have had nothing but great games with him win or lose. He might be a bit harder to grasp starting out with. This is mainly due to him being lacking in the beat stick role and can be squishy if sustaining alot of damage and with only a maximum of 4ss.

Ideal models are the ones mentioned along with the drill sergeant and warden. Although in malifaux there is no such thing as an ideal crew as you will tailor you crews each game to your opponent and stratagy.

Guild guard are great models for stopping incoming charges too :)

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