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Starting the faction


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I moved from GW to playing Malifaux a couple of years ago, with the Viks, and only played 1 or 2 getting to know the game, games. I am wanting to start with the Guild, but don't know which master, and box, would be best to start with, as I'm pretty much starting from no knowledge of the game (again).

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Depends on the sort of game you want to play.

Lady J is a great box. She's got massive damage output, the judge is a solid enough choice and the death marshalls are fairly standard 4SS minions.

Perdita's box is a bit different to the standard format as everything in there is a unique character. She's pretty tough and I regularly use everything in the box but not usually at the same time. This is a great box for padding out another box as the unique minions give you a lot of options (Santiago is almost an auto-include in any Guild crew I use).

Sonnia's box is in my opinion under-rated, with a full cache her damage output can be epic and she's not too bad if anything gets into melee with her. Sam Hop is your typical glass cannon, with flaming bullets and rapid fire he can put down almost anything in the game but if anyone hits him he's softer than baby poo. Rounding out the box are 3 witchlings which for me are by far the best 4SS minion in the game.

The Hoffman box is solid enough but is a different prospect to the other choices. In my opinion he lends himself better to going fully construct crews therefore leads into starting an Arcanist crew rather than expanding further into Guild.

The McCabe and Lucius boxes also have their merits (the models in the McCabe box are so pretty!), I'd certainly recommend reading the pull my finger wiki pages on all of the above.

Personally I'd recommend a good starter as the Sonnia or Lady J box set (depending on the playstyle you enjoy most) plus the Perdita box. That'll give you everything you need for 35SS games with some flexibility to adapt to different strategies.

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I can't recommend strongly enough that you read the Pull My Finger wiki:


It gives you a great general idea of how each master plays. Then pick which style appeals to you.

There are so many options in every faction that it's difficult to give you all the choices....the wiki does that. Then when you have an idea what you like, come back and we can help you fine tune your choices.

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