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Final_Crucible's Miniature Thread


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For that short a time painting seriously, you've got really smooth blends there. Nice one

I really should post in people's threads more, but I still have that thing of not knowing what to say when I do. Strange but true!

Patience is the hardest part I find, it's so tempting to just thicken that one layer, or do a bigger area, but then suddenly you end up patching up things that stop going so well. If you can hang on and take all the time you need, that's the key bit. You'll just keep getting better and better.

You should! You are pretty much the biggest morale boost a person can have. I remember when you first posted in my thread, I was all happy and joyous that a superb painting would bother looking at my stuff and commenting.

Though, I do know what you mean when you do not know exactly what to say to some people's projects. Often I lurk more and more instead of posting everywhere. lol

Maybe just tossing out some criticism will help? You are the best one to judge anybody in this board. Some solid feedback would probably help people improve. (Even me. All I get are people complaining about orange. :P ) *hint hint, nudge, nudge* xD

Patience is the key, I agree. I hope I will be able to prevail once I get to that fancy Andrea miniature I bought a few months ago... wretched backlog. lol

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Great stuff. What'd you use for colors on the skin tone?

Let's see...I recently began to blend my paints together. I use a thinning medium to help out, but you can use water as well! The colors I use are from the citadel paint line. I started with Ungor Flesh and Screaming Scull. I did three highlights up from the Ungor Flesh...so basically mixed the two together up to somewhat of a screaming scull, but the lightest highlight still had some Ungor Flesh for consistency :)

---------- Post added at 11:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

@Bleach: I need to talk to my friend...right now I think he ripped it off of a DVD...but I could e-mail specific files to you if you'd like haha they have been so helpful for me trying to figure out what to do outside of using a wash haha

@Mako: Thank you very much :o And I think just letting people know you noticed is huge haha I try to at least comment in some way when I can get a chance just so they get some form of encouragement :)

Edited by Final_Crucible
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Aaaaah. Nah I will pass on that. I firmly believe if somebody is going to offer a DVD they should be reimbursed for it. Assembling such a video is quite a lot of work and some of those artsy DVDs are really great.

Most of the really good tutorials I can find online are pretty much airbrushed ones or ones with a poor quality. Blending is a pretty tedious and long winded process and often such videos wont have a good and long detailed blending.

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You should! You are pretty much the biggest morale boost a person can have. I remember when you first posted in my thread, I was all happy and joyous that a superb painting would bother looking at my stuff and commenting.

Though, I do know what you mean when you do not know exactly what to say to some people's projects. Often I lurk more and more instead of posting everywhere. lol

Maybe just tossing out some criticism will help? You are the best one to judge anybody in this board. Some solid feedback would probably help people improve. (Even me. All I get are people complaining about orange. :P ) *hint hint, nudge, nudge* xD

I'm never sure how much critique to offer, some people want a lot, some a little, some are happy as they are and don't want much at all (all three are perfectly good options of course). And I don't want to sound like a git who thinks they know how everyone should paint, I know someone Like that in the competitive painting scene and I can't stand his attitude! But I'll make more effort to comment and not just peek.

Wait, Crucible, GW are making realistic skin tones now? Good grief, when did that happen??

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I understand bleach, I'm not sure how he got it, all I know is he is letting me borrow the files for a bit, so there is a chance he could have bought it digitally? I didn't think to ask haha

And Mako...they have like...one realistic skin tone...screaming skull is very pale...but it made a good mix haha

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I'm never sure how much critique to offer, some people want a lot, some a little, some are happy as they are and don't want much at all (all three are perfectly good options of course). And I don't want to sound like a git who thinks they know how everyone should paint, I know someone Like that in the competitive painting scene and I can't stand his attitude! But I'll make more effort to comment and not just peek.

Wait, Crucible, GW are making realistic skin tones now? Good grief, when did that happen??

Maybe offer a mid tone for most people? If they want more, you can pretty much tell from their threads and how they handle other people's comments. I personally believe people should be able to take a 'hit' as such when posting their models here. Criticism, even negative, is to be expected on these boards.

From all of the critical posts I have read that you posted, I can definitely say you are not an asshole. lol

You do not come off as a snob or some grime ball who knows better than everyone. You are actually, in my opinion, too humble. I think you could use some more flaunting and action! BAM BAM BAM! xD

Though, the whole Chronicles thing is doing good though! I am really happy for you that you get to do that. Judging by the feedback people have given you on that it is clear they want M0AR MAKO! :P

Sorry Crucible for spamming your thread like this. It happens though. xD

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It has been awhile, so I've decided to show off some art again! This is not malifaux...I'm taking a short break thanks to a lack of motivation (the one main person I usually play and paint with ended up being a chump...so yeah...I'm very disheartened about Malifaux atm) so I'm working on Anima Tactics!

Also, I'm working on doing skin with gentle blending and not the magic combo (Base, Wash, Drybrush)

So...here is what I got. The picture sucks, but I wanted to show off my progress...I'm pretty proud :)


Dang that is smooth.

If I didn't know better, I might have thought that was airbrushed.

Well done, I'm looking forward to see how this mini turns out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A great start to a new crew. I really enjoyed painting Luna, and I agree that she needn't look as brutal as the original art suggests. When a dog is up to your waist, you don't really need to have red eyes and blood dripping from your jaw to look impressive.

Just an FYI though: be prepared for spot the dog references:


It's what came to my mind immediately I saw it, although a google search does show that Spot has different patterning (I was sure he had brown ears!)

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