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The money! In my pocket- argh! It burns!

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So I've realised I have more money than I thought, but not so much that I can go crazy with it. Even so I am considering making a purchase on one of three kickstarters (one of which has already ended). However, I am at a complete loss on which option to go with, especially since they don't all belong to the same window of opportunity, preventing me from making a completly fair comparison. That's where you guys come in! =] Here are my options:

Option One - Darklands (Formoraic Tarvax Starter and Baintaac) - £80+

  • Together with my Norse Troll Starter I will be able to provide everything for a two player game.
  • Arrives in April, then Trolls in May =]
  • Absolutely gorgeous models (Minotaurs!) that inspire me as a painter more than any other range at the moment.
  • Like the Troll Starter, I don't have much use for the free miniatures, so could sell them to get some of my money back (which could go to Alkemy)
  • Not a lot of models (even if they are big), and currently there's not been much interest in anyone playing it
  • Even if no one wants to play, their looks already justify themselves and they'd make great proxies.
  • Even though they aren't kickstarter exclusive or anything, at retail they will be a lot more expensive, possibly to the point of just not being worth it

Option Two - Wild West Exodus (Villainous pledge) - £91+

  • Villainous provides everything I need for both me and an opponent
  • I'd trade-in the Rotten level extras for the not-Firefly models, which combined with Ladies of the West provides me with 8 Kickstarter exclusive models.
  • Looking forward to painting them in a gritty, weathered Winter theme; even have an idea for a board
  • While I love the hired hands, the boss, underboss and sidekick models for most of the factions are rather underwhelming.
  • While I'd be happy with two of the current factions (it's three way tie atm), I would possibly pledge to ensure some of the new factions are unlocked.
  • Possibly a higher chance of getting people to play it
  • Have to wait until September! I'm tempted to wait till they hit retail, but then I'd miss out on the exclusive minis and savings.
  • Not really anything extra to sell, so no money back.

Option Three - Alkemy and Warzone - £84+

  • I can get everything I need for a two player game of Alkemy for around £30
  • I can either choose one of the above and buy Alkemy a little later or I can buy Alkemy now and put the remaining money towards Warzone, since it still has plenty of time.
  • Putting money towards Warzone would allow me to pledge at the Razide level (£84), giving me just about everything I need for a game.
  • I do really like the Dark Legion, while the Bauhaus have grown on me. However, the models inspire me a lot less than the other options.
  • Currently it seems better to just wait till retail, but then there's still 50 days to go, so it may well be worth investing. The problem is whether the other options expire before that becomes clear.
  • While I might struggle to get in games with Alkemy (I care not!) it seems far more likely that people in my area would play Warzone, making it the more gaming viable option.

Now there are other games I fancy. It'd cost me £68 to have a single Infinity army, so maybe double that to provide both sides. If it weren't for the niche board requirements I'd be happy spending £80 to get two crews for Carnevale. In regards to Hell Dorado, I currently don't see any reason not to just buy retail, while the starters don't cater to my requirements; all in all my Lost army would cost me around £69, again doubling that to provide my opponent's force. Ultimately, when it comes to these, I can simply wait.

Thanks for your help =]


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I funded SW and KD heavily too, but once I got my copy of SW I thought "I could have waited for the majority of this to hit retail". KD is a little different, since there was just so much on offer that even by limiting yourself to the best of the best deals (Dragon King and Gorm for me) would still result in a massive pledge.

With WWX I am in two minds; for every positive, a negative. I love the Union models, but both Grant and Sheridan are really static (and Sherman isn't great either). I would love a Warrior Nation horde to use in a last stand scenario, but I really don't like the Underboss and their extra units all seem a bit too out of proportions to me (particulalry the Elk). I suppose I like all the Outlaws, but they don't fit into my ideas as well as Union versus WN. As good a deal as Villainous is, there's a long wait and I try and not get too blinded by bargain prices. If I don't pledge I lose out on 8 exclusive models, but then there's only two of the LotW that I really like, while I'm a little sick of all the homages to Firefly. It's a no brainer that I will buy into this game sooner or later, but I can't decide whether it's worth paying sooner, getting it later.

As for buying into new games, I know what you mean, but for me the gaming comes second while variety is key to preventing my hobby from going stale.

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Might I suggest peeking down at http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?37869-Something-to-consider its got dragons - lots of dragons

and adding that to your "something else" list - their KS is set to start very soon and hints are that it might be today - with a certancy that it will be starting within the next week if not today (company has been prepared for a while and was slowed by paperwork processing external to the company - paperwork which is now completed)

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