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The Good Doctor

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So I accidentally bought the McM box on Ebay, don't tell my wife, and I was wondering if he was playable out of the box. I would like to keep the theme sort of the way the box comes so I really don't want to add Outcasts. Or any other general info you guys want to share on the The good doc would be appreciated...Thanks in advance.


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Unfortunately the box set doesn't come with a lot of good options for McMourning. In my opinion as a regular player of the good doctor the only good things that come out of his box are him and the Flesh Construct. Like most Resser masters, you need more than just the box set to play them effectively.

A good list of things to add to him would be:

-Grave Spirit

-Zombie Chihuahua

-Canine Remains

-Rogue Necromancy

-Rotten Belles

-Punk Zombies

-Night Terrors

It basically all depends on the Strategy and Schemes for Mcmourning's crew selection like it should with most other masters.

As far as the box set goes, you have no models to summon in with McMourning, the nurses are really squishy and don't do too much besides some cornercase support, The Flesh Construct is deceptively easy to take out (also rather expensive ss wise) Sebastian is slow albiet a fun little model to play. Mcmourning really becomes the workhorse if you're going to play the boxed set. He's going to need to kill everything, be where you need to go for strats and schemes, and probably be focused on by your opponent so your Flesh Construct doesn't reappear.

Hope that helps a bit!

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The McMourning boxset is playable.

If you are meaning, is the boxset awesome? Most people will say no.

But, everything is relative. If you are playing fluff players or new/less experienced players, it will be fine.

If, like many seem to mean on the forums, "Will that list beat face against good players in competitive situations?" then the answer is, "probably not unless you figure out a whole lot of things that no one else seems to have."

I would suggest playing it a few times and learning the models.

You will either win and learn about your environment. Or you will lose and appreciate changes you make all the more.

Not even trying the models because people on an internet forum told you that THEY could not get stuff to work seems like a waste of your money to me. (Unless you are the sort whose only fun in gaming is directly tied to winning a game)

But, YMMV.

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What about Izamu in a McMourning crew? Is he a hard hitter that may offer some synergies or do you count him to be inferior to other choices?

Its hard to think of Izamu being inferior in ANYTHING. :)

I have not tried them together yet. Been so infatuated with Yan Lo actually, that aside from a single Seamus game, I have played no other rezzers in a couple months.

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Mcm's box is pretty bad. Nurses are corner-case at most, but the flesh construct is great. McM makes them super quick just based on how McM plays (up in minions faces cutting them up). Because McM has a cache of 6, that means he can play a pretty large crew and still have 8ss. McM NEEDS 8ss. The entire rezzer faction is chock full of cheap and greatly effective minions. Rotten Belles, Ashigaru, Drowned, Necropunks, Night Terrors, Punks, Onryo etc. If you want to have fun with McM play all the cheapy dudes. Out activating your opponent is choice. BUT your first buy after his box is the zombie Chihuahua for sure. He's 2 free bodyparts for McM.

In terms of the rouge necromancy, I wouldn't focus on getting him just yet. you could pick up one just to have just in case where you are just decimating the opponents crew. Thats when they usually get summoned anyway.

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Izamu isn't that as amazing in any other list as he is with Yan Lo. The ability to bring him back over and over again to beat face is just... Nasty.

I love McMourning and have played his box a few times when I was starting out. It can be fun to inject the Flesh Construct before having it go on a rampage then just resummoning it later with McM. Hope you have better luck than I did though!

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DR, Izamu, and the Grave Spirit make up the better half of almost all my crews. I've played it out multiple times with Nicodem and McMourning both, and Izamu adds a lot of mobility to McM, due to his Scalpel Slinging. With a 6" range, and 2" base, you can move McMourning 8" whilst gaining a Body Part, all the while at a cost of a mere wound on Izamu (Mostly), since McMourning doesn't ignore Object :)

Better yet, that still gives McMourning 3 AP to do what he does best. I'll often use the Dead Rider to Move Izamu, and Izamu to move McMourning.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion Izamu with Kirai is a bit stronger.

The ability to make him a spirit with object 2, heal him with multiple different models, swirl him into place to ignore his slow movement, reactivate by killing a seishin, +2cb empower from a seishen, ect. This is added to his self healing and defensive abilities puts him into crazy territory.

note: Im not saying by ANY MEANS Izamu is not really good with Yan Lo, just my two cents.

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For the OP...

I personally love necropunks and a drowned or two with the doc. They have both performed really well for me, and I prefer having many lower-cost models in my McMourning crews. Out-activating my opponent has won me many games.

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