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Additional Desperate Mercs


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So, I'm wondering, with Desperate Mercs being rare 4 and having only 2 sculpts, does anyone have recommendations for good proxies for them (preferably non-Malifaux ones, to keep confusion to a minimum, though I'm potentially leaning towards altering the old Gun Viktoria model)? Hamelin's billion rats all in the same 3 poses stressed me out enough, I'd like to find something to keep all of my human models looking different.

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Well, if you don't mind waiting, the multipose sprues from the Through the Breach kickstarter should be available in August(?). They'd be tournament legal because they're made by Wyrd, and the concept art for them looked amazing, so you'll probably be able to make really cool looking models. Other than that, I've got no advice. I'm heading to my lgs soon so I'll ask people there if they know of any good models from other companies and report back my findings for you.

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Hmmm, Doc Taranto from the freebooters stuff looks pretty useful, assuming one takes off the mechanical arm backpack and adds in a sword.

As for the build a character stuff from wyrd, how would it be tournament legal? I understand it's a wyrd product, but wouldn't it need a matching card or something? Otherwise confusion would reign as lots of people showed up with characters they were claiming were whatever model they didn't like the sculpt of and it would be hard to tell them apart.

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