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The Aethervox's Notes on the Circus Crew


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For those of you who haven't yet listened to episode 20 of The Aethervox, we announced a contest calling on listeners to help us design rules for Mr. Magpie's Cemetery Circus. Here are our rough notes. Feel free to expand on these ideas or ignore them and start afresh:

Master: Mr. Magpie. Stage magician and lion tamer. Sort of a cross between Collette and Marcus. Birds can lift him, so he can fly up to his walk. Can hire Arcanist beasts. It’d be nice if he synergised with beasts better than Marcus (who is better at fighting enemy beasts than buffing his own (imho). Reactivate beast within range of his whip(but causes a wound at the same time?). Lure (picking a volunteer from the audience).

Totems: Magpies. Can steal soulstones from opposing masters. Deliver orders. Flight. Perch.

Conjoined twins: Ranged attack pistols (paired? 2 attacks per AP?) Teleport between any 2 terrain pieces (All action? Or is the hidden passageways action from the wastrels better?)

Mighty Murphy: High damage, low cb. Great debater (wp-wp duel to target?)

Olga: bearded lady/werewolf. paired claws. Frenzies after causing a wound (blood price? variation of stampeding pigs?)

Gremlin clovvns: Use bayou gremlin as a base, and work something more *****y into it

Knife juggler (throws with his feet): can't move and shoot in same turn. Ranged expert. 'Armless :D Kind of a mid-range (10”)sniper. Maybe eye of the needle from 10 thunders archers.

Rubber Ruby (contortionist/acrobat): Pass through, from the shadows, scout, some kind of evasive ability. Should play a bit like a Torakage without the model swapping. Kind of a super objective grabber. Fast, hard to pin down, but little in the way of damage.

Then we move into stuff that hasn't appeared in the stories (at least not yet)

Gypsy fortune teller: Support piece with abilities connected to telling the future. Spell that makes opponent play with open hand for the turn. Opponent can discard 2 cards to prevent this. "Know your awful fate" causes terrifying duel. Weapon: Hot tea leaves (magical)!

("extended universe" stuff)

Gremlin cannon: We thought it would be cool to have a human cannonball in the crew. This could either be an artillery piece (we'll adapt from the pigapult rules) or make it a kamikaze rule for the ****** (this model moves in a straight line toward any point on the edge of the board. Any model in its path takes a x/x/x dg flip. When this model hits either the board edge or any terrain piece that would provide hard cover, remove it as a casualty)

Baby elephant (!!!) Some kind of trample attack if it moves over you (Ride down from McCabe?). "Roll over" action that would do a lot of damage. This is the tank of the crew. Scared of rats!

Carnies: Not sure about their role yet, but they should be able to kidnap ht1 models!

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So one of the first things I thought of was that the gremlin c's should have a spell or ability that gives them terrifying. Cause seriously what is scarier than ******? Maybe "Make the kiddies scream" and maybe a matching spell/ability "Make the kiddies laugh" that gives slow, or some similar effect.

---------- Post added at 12:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

Oh. Also Ruby sounds like a mini coryphee.

So maybe some similar rules with a slant towards acrobat rather than dancer.

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Well I'm not gonna start a new thread with my work on my contest entry.

I went a totally different route with the Magpie theme. Making the Magpies counters allows for a very thematic and new'ish effect in the game. Plus this allows for a totem to be added to the crew! Malifaux Child anyone? hehe

but here's my Card for Jeremiah Magpie



more to come.

Edited by Rameses
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