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Green and loving it - a new Ressurectionist


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Well, I finally succumbed to the :crows Lure of the undead and have taken it upon myself to get Kirai and her spirits. I blame this largely on Cheated Fates Joe and Dan from Gamers Lounge. She's a big change from my slow but sturdy Guild and I hope to get a lot of experience and take her to tournaments. I originally wanted to massively convert them but my skills are not what I'd thought so I'm taking things slowly, doing a little here and there to build my skill.

In the meantime, I have built and assembled the models I got for Christmas (apparently, Santa is a Resser player). I'm quite glad at the basing I've done - making bamboo from cocktail sticks.





I've also converted a Guild Hound into a Canine Remains:




I call him Scruffy.

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Looking really great! I am actually going to pick up some Kirai crew stuff today too at my local store. :D

I do plan to use Secret Weapon Miniature bases for them though.

So how are you going to paint these guys?

Thanks guys! I plan to paint them like I originally wanted to convert them: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36999-Kirai-Jackie-Chan-quot-Queen-of-the-ShadowKhan-quot-conversions so a lot of dark colours, which I'll make ethereal and ghostly. I also plan to get Izamu and put a lightbulb inside if possible to have the glow in the artwork!


Edit: or I was going to, until I saw Izamu's sprue. Back to the drawing board!

Edited by LupusFerreus
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Thanks guys! I plan to paint them like I originally wanted to convert them: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?36999-Kirai-Jackie-Chan-quot-Queen-of-the-ShadowKhan-quot-conversions so a lot of dark colours, which I'll make ethereal and ghostly. I also plan to get Izamu and put a lightbulb inside if possible to have the glow in the artwork!


Edit: or I was going to, until I saw Izamu's sprue. Back to the drawing board!

Lupus, I thought about the same thing. I do think it is possible with him but would def. take some delicate work. His torso is def. solid enough, but you would need to rig up a really small LED and the power source would be difficult. Put some pin holes through his chest area and leave his face off.

In the end, I'm just going for an Izamu that is glowing via some crystal blue army painter primer and some carefully placed blue washes with an attempt at a painted glow effect for his face.

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So Scruffy becomes my first painted model:



I'm happy with how he turned out, all I'll say is I plan to add some Tamiya Mini X-27 Clear Red 10ml Acrylic Paint to the jaw and belly for extra gore. Also Matt Varnish the blood on the base.

I've also got a lot of models to paint if I want to take her to tournaments, so I'd best get on it! This would only be more daunting if I'd chosen Nicodem...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm finally able to add some more models: Ikiryo and Lost Love!



I'm still leaving Kirai herself until I decide on a colour scheme. Ikiryo is of course painted in the style of Jade Chan going all Shadow Khan crazy. Next up will be my remaining Seishin but I'll leave posting them until I have something new... maybe the Onryo or Datsue-Ba.

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Nice job on ikyrio. Im regreat over looking this thread in the past. Love your theme for the crew. I kind of wish id done something along those lines for my crew. But alas i just painted them in colours i like and around traditional japanese artistry. Using white as it symbolises death and a few other subtlties. Once iget a good enough hand i want to put some free hand on the minis. But enough about my crew.

Loving the theme behind your crew. And how all your seishin are differnt :) the bases are great but im thinking perhaps you could do with using a wood stain or ink wash to add a bit more defi ition to them. Would you consider putting small patches of static grass comming up between the bamboo it give the effect of an old building/decking?

Also tamiya clear red to creat a realistic blood/gore effect is definately a worthwhile and cheap investment :)

Just some minor suggestions to an ready great looking crew :) hope i may have helped in someway. Feel free to ignore everything i say though. NB sorry for going on a bit lol

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