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Lilth purchases?


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If your trying to stay Nephilim your choices will be fairly limited. the Nephilim in the game currently are:


Terror Tots

Young Nephilim

Mature Nephilim

Mr. Graves





Black Blood Shaman


I personally like grow lists, although I prefer them with Zoraida as I feel they work better. You could go two directions with a Lilith Grow list. The first is to grab Nekima, who is a pretty pricy hire @ 13ss. I think she is worth it, although there is argument that she is not. She is due for an Errata soon (per the rumors going back a couple months) so she might change. Nekima will allow your Youngs and Tots to only need a 5 of any suit to grow in place of the 9 they typically need. (9:masks for tots).

The other option is to use the Black Blood Shaman. The BBS can buff your models and can gather blood tokens for you, but cannot help you grow any easier. What you end up needing to do is to grab a way for Lilith to get extra cards. This is pretty easily done with the Puking Snake (Primordial Magic), which lets you hold another card in your hand. The BBS collects extra blood for you to grow with.

In either case you will want to pick up two desperate mercenaries. These poor chaps will join the crew for a first turn beat down to generate the blood your little vampires need to grow.

Past that, Tuco is a bit of a movement piece, and a bit of a damage piece. He has a lot of rules and can do a lot of things. He is very survivable.

Mr. Graves is a control piece who has a strong seasoning of BEAT FACE. He can push your models around, the opponents models around, and can really beat down anything he starts in combat with.

The Cherub is cute.

The Twins (Lelu and Lilitu) are powerhouse models that combine board control with beating power. They are very good but not really over-powered as they are linked to each other. Once one drops, the other is not long for the game.

Hope that helps.

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With what you have it is entirely a neph list.

grow lists have already been discussed above as well as your other neverborn, to go on a tangent terror tots make excellent (or even the cherub) sacrifice targets for Killjoy.

He is an undead neverborn (not neph, but does have black blood...) He smashes faces asunder and adds a huge beatstick to your already combat heavy team (Lilith, mature and killjoy in one team is quite scary!) but will make it quite one dimensional so up to you. (and he is certainly competative)

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  • 2 weeks later...

not sure what i can say, but last time i checked, they made nekima more survivable and an ok terrifying

---------- Post added at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

also, in terms of purchasing:

1. it almost never hurts to have a totem, so a cherub would be first IMO, also, considering that its a book 1 totem, cb 5 aint half bad. if not, primordial magic literally just for arcane resorvoir, though magical extension never hurts

2. terror tots dont have a hire limit last time i checked, so it couldnt hurt to buy more if you really cant decide. Also, if you go crazy with grow, you might need another mature neph much later on the road

3. other than these, lilith doesnt really depend on much else other than the twins who are fantabulous with anyone

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Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Lilith, Mother of Monsters
4 Pool

  • Black Blood Shaman

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Desperate Mercenary

  • Nekima, The Dark Sibling

  • Terror Tot Nephilim

  • Terror Tot Nephilim

  • Terror Tot Nephilim

  • Terror Tot Nephilim

If you stack your abilities right you can get 2 young and 2 mature out of your tots first turn or second if you want nekima and BBS fully healed. And yes you'll have several AP to move and don't have to stay 2 turns in the back.

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Mature are fun and if you are growing then you may want two of them. Personally I think the young are better for the cost. 1 blood counter instead of 2, 6 stones instead of 10.

The twins are really good. Lelu can put out some of the best damage in the game with flay and poison. Also his auto-damaging ability is good for models like Peredita who have insane defense. Lilitu's ability to heal is very helpful at times and is one of the few neverborn models who can heal things. The weakness of the twins is offeset by their ability to heal 4 wounds between two of them every turn.

Nekima unfortunately is not as awesome as the fluff or the model would suggest. She dies too easily for the stone cost. 2 young or a set of twins seem to work better offensively, though for a grow list she brings some great utility.

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Don't forget about the arcane effigy or the primordial magic for totem/totem like models. Having extra control cards is always good, If you want to stick with the cherub, I'd look into the effigy, plus it will stay (and confer its bonus card from arcane res) after you manifest your avatar form where as the two totems will be removed when you manifest.

As listed above desperate mercs are good sources of blood/corpse counters for growing with. Nekima is ok, but should be a more "used/useful" model after her errata, right now she's a bit spendy for her abilities/attention she draws. I prefer using the BBS to Nekima in grow lists under 40 points.

Also don't pigeon yourself into thinking only nephalim, malifaux while crew centric should be viewed in broader terms. This will allow you to get the most out of your games. Though to start I would say sticking closer to your masters "core synergy" models makes sense. Incorporating things like sorrows, or other faction models can open up alot of alternate options of play.

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